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! align="center" style="background:black" colspan="2" width="800px"|'''[[POLICY BREAK|{{span style color|yellow|POLICY BREAK}}]]'''  
! align="center" style="background:black" colspan="2" width="800px"|'''[[POLICY BREAK|{{span style color|yellow|POLICY BREAK}}]]'''  
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="800px"| [[VALLIS-NERIA]] - [[I'm so Happy]] - [[BabeL ~Next Story~|BabeL ~Next Story~]] - [[Koi hadou? Moro hadou OK houteishiki!!|恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!!]] - [[Playing With Fire]] - [[8 -eight-]] - [[True Blue]] - [[Sakura Mirage]]<br>[[INSECTICIDE]] - [[Aka to ao no rampage|朱と碧のランページ]] - [[Dadadadadadadadadada|打打打打打打打打打打]] - [[Onigami|鬼天]] - [[HAVOX]] - [[Ryoushi no umi no Lindwurm|量子の海のリントヴルム]] - [[Shakunetsu Beach Side Bunny|灼熱Beach Side Bunny]] - [[Elpis|ΕΛΠΙΣ]] - [[Dopamine|ドーパミン]]<br>[[vajra|伐折羅-vajra-]] - [[Virtual Bit]] - [[Bakunana testroyer|爆なな☆てすとロイヤー]] - [[Aki nation|アキネイション]] - [[Odoru Fever Robo|踊るフィーバーロボ]] - [[JOMANDA]] - [[If]] - [[Boss Rush]] - [[Koiuta shippuu! Karuta queen Iroha|恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは]]<br>[[Rebellio]] - [[We Go Down]] - [[Concertino in Blue]] - [[Glitter Flatter Scatter]] - [[cobalt]] - [[HYMN|НУМЛ]] <br>[[POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX x jubeat|POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[What is beatmania IIDX|beatmania IIDX]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[Shakunetsu Beach Side Bunny|灼熱Beach Side Bunny]] - [[Elpis|ΕΛΠΙΣ]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[Jubeat Information|Jubeat]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[I'm so Happy]] - [[True Blue]] - [[Ryoushi no umi no Lindwurm|量子の海のリントヴルム]] - [[Dopamine|ドーパミン]] - [[JOMANDA]] - [[Boss Rush]] - [[Glitter Flatter Scatter]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[What is pop'n music|Pop'n'music]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[BabeL ~Next Story~]] - [[Koi hadou? Moro hadou OK houteishiki!!|恋はどう?モロ◎波動OK☆方程式!!]] - [[Aka to ao no rampage|朱と碧のランページ]] - [[Odoru Fever Robo|踊るフィーバーロボ]] - [[Koiuta shippuu! Karuta queen Iroha|恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは]] - [[cobalt]] - [[HYMN|НУМЛ]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[REFLEC BEAT Information|REFLEC BEAT]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[VALLIS-NERIA]] - [[Playing With Fire]] - [[Sakura Mirage]] - [[Dadadadadadadadadada|打打打打打打打打打打]] - [[Onigami|鬼天]] - [[伐折羅-vajra-]] - [[Rebellio]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[What_Is_GFDM|GITADORA]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[8 -eight-|{{font style||gray|8 -eight-}}]](can be purchased now) - [[We Go Down]] - [[Concertino in Blue]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From [[MUSECA Information|MÚSECA]]
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[Virtual Bit]] - [[If]]
| align="center" style="background:#ababb4;" |From [[BeatStream Information|BeatStream]]<br>(impossible to obtain currently)
| style="font-size: 8pt; background:gray" align="center" width="500px"| [[Bakunana testroyer|爆なな☆てすとロイヤー]] - [[Aki nation|アキネイション]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |From Steel Chronicle VICTROOPERS
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"| [[INSECTICIDE]] - [[HAVOX]]
| align="center" style="background:#ccccff" |SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat Special Song
| style="font-size: 8pt;" align="center" width="500px"|[[POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX x jubeat|POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat]]
