CS jb 2021/Difficulty Changes: Difference between revisions

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→‎normal mode: that should be all for the difficulty changes in normal mode (feel free to add or remove a song if its not listed here)
(→‎normal mode: that should be all for the difficulty changes in normal mode (feel free to add or remove a song if its not listed here))
Line 6: Line 6:
= normal mode =
= normal mode =
''Songs are sorted by their category sorting (as shown in list display), albums, and then by ABC order.''
''Songs are sorted by their category sorting (as shown in list display), albums, and then by ABC order.''
== Pops (ポップス) ==
{{jb clan DC Header|
{{jb Songlist Category|ポップス|bg=linear-gradient(to right, blue 10%, navy)|color=white}}
{{jb Songlist Category|Re-rated on March 7th, 2022|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, cyan 20%, navy)|color=white}}
{{jb Songlist Category|JPOP|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, #ffee93 5%, orange, #ff4500)|color=white}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Let's Daba Daba|Let's ダバダバ]]|4→3|7→6|-}}
{{jb Songlist Category|90's JPOP (90年代JPOP)|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #7f00ff, #eebc1d, #eebc1d, #ff4500)|color=white}}
{{jb clan DC|[[HOT LIMIT (HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR)|HOT LIMIT]]|-|7→6|-}}
{{jb Songlist Category|Late 2000s JPOP (2000年代後半JPOP)|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, limegreen 15%, #009aee, skyblue)|color=white}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Kiseki|キセキ]]|-|-|7→6}}
{{jb Songlist Category|Variety (バラエティ)|bg=linear-gradient(white 10%, transparent 10% 90%, white 90% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, white 1%, transparent 1% 99%, white 99% 100%), linear-gradient(315deg, purple, orange 49%, transparent 49% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, yellowgreen, limegreen)|color=white}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Jounetsu tairiku|情熱大陸]]|-|-|9→9.4}}
== Anime (アニメ) ==
{{jb clan DC Header|
{{jb Songlist Category|アニメ|bg=linear-gradient(to right, #ff6961 10%, red)|color=white}}
{{jb Songlist Category|Re-rated on March 7th, 2022|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom, cyan 20%, navy)|color=white}}
{{jb Songlist Category|UNISON SQUARE GARDEN|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, white 70%, silver)|color=black}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Sugar song to bitter step|シュガーソングとビターステップ]]|-|7→6|9→9.1}}
{{jb Songlist Category|Anison (アニソン)|bg=linear-gradient(to bottom right, #ffee93 10%, #ff4500)|color=#d1001c}}
{{jb clan DC|[[SUPER STREAM|SUPER∞STREAM]]|-|7→6|-}}
{{jb Songlist Category|High Tension Ghibli (ハイテンションジブリ)|bg=linear-gradient(-195deg, white 5%, transparent 10% 100%), linear-gradient(to right, lightgreen, #3f301d, #3f301d, lightgreen)|color=white}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Kimi wo nosete feat.sayurina ~Tenkuu no shiro Laputa~|君をのせて feat.sayurina ~天空の城ラピュタ~]]|2→1|-|-}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Kimi wo nosete feat.sayurina ~Tenkuu no shiro Laputa~|君をのせて feat.sayurina ~天空の城ラピュタ~ [ 2 ]]]|-|-|8→9.3}}

== Classic (クラシック) ==
== Classic (クラシック) ==
Line 506: Line 533:
{{jb clan DC|[[Yamato nadenade Kaguya-hime|ヤマトなでなで♡かぐや姫]]|-|-|9→9.5}}
{{jb clan DC|[[Yamato nadenade Kaguya-hime|ヤマトなでなで♡かぐや姫]]|-|-|9→9.5}}
<!--=== work in progress ===
{{jb clan DC Header|
{{jb clan DC|Work in progress.|-|-|-}}



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