CS jb 2021/Mission: Difference between revisions

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{{Song Artist Row|Play a song from the "jubeat" album.<br>(「jubeat」アルバムからプレーする)|50 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Play a song from the "jubeat" album.<br>(「jubeat」アルバムからプレーする)|50 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Complete all missions.<br>(すべてのミッション達成)|A pickup gacha ticket.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Complete all missions.<br>(すべてのミッション達成)|A pickup gacha ticket.}}
{{jb Songlist Category|{{font style|black|white|年末年始スペシャルMission}}<br>{{font style|white|#ff4500|(Available from December 28th, 2022 to January 10th, 2023)}}|bg=radial-gradient(circle, yellow, gold 25%, #ff4500 26%, yellow 27%, yellow, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(white, gold, white)|color=orange}}
{{Song Artist Row|Get 20 cleared scores.<br>(20譜面クリアする)|1000 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Get five Full Combos.<br>(フルコンボ5回)|1000 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Watch 10 advertisements.<br>(動画を10回見る)|1000 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Pull 30 times from the Music Gacha shop.<br>(ガチャを30回する)|1000 coins.}}
{{Song Artist Row|Complete all missions.<br>(すべてのミッション達成)|10-gacha pull ticket.}}



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