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== Nettou! BEMANI Stadium (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) ==
== Nettou! BEMANI Stadium ==
The ''Nettou! BEMANI Stadium'' (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) event is a BEMANI-wide collaboration event that began on Decemver 19th, 2013. For more information on the event, please see [[Nettou! BEMANI Stadium|its page]].
The ''Nettou! BEMANI Stadium'' (熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム) cross-BEMANI event started on December 19th, 2013 and ended on July 23rd, 2014. For more information, please see [[Nettou! BEMANI Stadium|its page]].
To access the tournament for Engraved Mark, you had to link your [[e-amusement|eAMUSEMENT]] account to [[CS pnm rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]], and then play Engraved Mark on it once. Since March 5th, 2014, this tournament is available for everyone to access.
{{RB1 Songlist Header|
{{RB1 Songlist Header|
{{RB1 Songlist Category|熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム|bg=#c50000;|color=white;}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|[[Nettou! BEMANI Stadium|{{span style color|#FFFFFF|熱闘!BEMANIスタジアム}}]]|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|First Half (前半戦) (Unlockable from December 19th, 2013)|bg=#f0c840;}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 19th, 2013|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Stella Sinistra]]<br><small>(星を掴め!ど根性野球トーナメント)</small>|[[Akhuta|Akhuta Philharmonic Orchestra]]|120-180|4|8|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Stella Sinistra]]|[[Akhuta|Akhuta Philharmonic Orchestra]]|120-180|4|8|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Mind game|マインド・ゲーム]]<br><small>(青春剛速球野球大会)</small>|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] with [[Shigeharu Saeki|メカショッチョー]]|180|3|6|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Mind game|マインド・ゲーム]]|[[Daisuke Kurosawa|96]] with [[Shigeharu Saeki|メカショッチョー]]|180|3|6|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[PUNISHER]]<br><small>(運命の野球リーグ)</small>|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG]]×[[Daichi Watanabe|PON]]|180|3|8|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[PUNISHER]]|[[Yasuhiro Taguchi|TAG]]×[[Daichi Watanabe|PON]]|180|3|8|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[HYENA]]<br><small>(荒野の野球選手権)</small>|[[Hommarju]]|178|4|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[HYENA]]|[[Hommarju]]|178|4|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|叙事詩杯 (Unlockable from December 25th, 2013)}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from December 25th, 2013|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[The Sealer ~A Milia to Milia no tami~|The Sealer ~ア・ミリアとミリアの民~]]{{from|[[AC pnm 20|pop'n music 20 fantasia]]}}|[[Tomosuke Funaki|Zektbach]]|137-205|4|6|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[The Sealer ~A Milia to Milia no tami~|The Sealer ~ア・ミリアとミリアの民~]]{{from|[[AC pnm 20|pop'n music 20 fantasia]]}}|[[Tomosuke Funaki|Zektbach]]|137-205|4|6|9}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|裏マドンナ野球選手権 (Unlockable from January 20th, 2014)}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 20th, 2014|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Hurray hurray nekketsu cheer girl|フレッフレー♪熱血チアガール]]{{from|[[AC GD|GITADORA]]}}|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|裏マドンナだ!]][[Mayumi Morinaga|Primちゃん]]|195|4|7|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Hurray hurray nekketsu cheer girl|フレッフレー♪熱血チアガール]]{{from|[[AC GD|GITADORA]]}}|[[Toshiyuki Kakuta|裏マドンナだ!]][[Mayumi Morinaga|Primちゃん]]|195|4|7|9}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Second Half (後半戦) (Unlockable from January 23rd, 2014)|bg=#f0c840;}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 23rd, 2014|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Deadball de homerun|デッドボヲルdeホームラン]]<br><small>(デッドボーラークラシック)</small>|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Masterβ2]]|145|3|7|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Deadball de homerun|デッドボヲルdeホームラン]]|[[Naoyuki Sato|猫叉Masterβ2]]|145|3|7|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Squeeze]]<br><small>(ウィザウチュナイカップ)</small>|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] feat. [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|173|5|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Squeeze]]|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|VE]][[Sota Fujimori|NUS]] feat. [[Mutsuhiko Izumi]]|173|5|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Yakyuu no asobikata soshite sono rekishi ~ketteiban~|野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~]]<br><small>(大監督杯)</small>|[[Asaki|あさき大監督]]|141|3|7|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Yakyuu no asobikata soshite sono rekishi ~ketteiban~|野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~]]|[[Asaki|あさき大監督]]|141|3|7|9}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Todoroke! Koi no beanball!!|轟け!恋のビーンボール!!]]<br><small>(ダイナミック野球選手権)</small>|[[Jun Wakita|ダイナミック野球兄弟]] v.s. [[Toshiyuki Kakuta|クロスファイヤー]][[Mayumi Morinaga|Prim]]|180|4|7|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Todoroke! Koi no beanball!!|轟け!恋のビーンボール!!]]|[[Jun Wakita|ダイナミック野球兄弟]] v.s. [[Toshiyuki Kakuta|クロスファイヤー]][[Mayumi Morinaga|Prim]]|180|4|7|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Engraved Mark]]<br><small>''from [[CS GD|GITADORA (Mobile)]] / [[CS jb plus|jubeat plus]] / [[CS RB plus|REFLEC BEAT plus]] / [[CS pnm rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]'' (リズミンカップ)</small>|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] ∞ [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]|188|4|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Engraved Mark]]{{from|[[CS GD|GITADORA (Mobile)]] / [[CS jb plus|jubeat plus]] / [[CS RB plus|REFLEC BEAT plus]] / [[CS pnm rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]]}}|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]] ∞ [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]]|188|4|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Evans series (エヴァンスシリーズ) (Unlockable from January 31st, 2014)}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from January 31st, 2014|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Evans]]{{from|[[AC jb|jubeat]]}}|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]]|185|5|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[Evans]]{{from|[[AC jb|jubeat]]}}|[[Yoshitaka Nishimura|DJ YOSHITAKA]]|185|5|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|桜嵐杯 (Unlockable from February 3rd, 2014)}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 3rd, 2014|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[sakura storm]]{{from|[[CS DDR UNIVERSE3|DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3]]}}|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|184|4|7|10}}
{{RB1 Song|[[sakura storm]]{{from|[[CS DDR UNIVERSE3|DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3]]}}|[[Ryutaro Nakahara|Ryu☆]]|184|4|7|10}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Best nine finals (ベストナイン決定戦) (Unlockable from February 6th, 2014)|bg=#f0c840;}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|Unlockable from February 6th, 2014|bg=red|color=white}}
{{RB1 Song|[[IX]]<br><small>(ストナイン決定戦)</small>|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] VS [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] feat.藍|198|5|8|10+}}
{{RB1 Song|[[IX]]|[[Takayuki Ishikawa|dj TAKA]] VS [[Yoshihiro Tagawa|DJ TOTTO]] feat.藍|198|5|8|10+}}

== REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Start Dash Campaign (REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! スタートダッシュキャンペーン) ==
== REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Start Dash Campaign ==
These songs (except [[Avalon no oka|アヴァロンの丘]]) could be originally played in REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons- from May 2nd to 6th, 2014 by playing at the [[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] location test once. To unlock them permanently, you have to defeat their respective bosses in PASTEL WONDER TRAVELER (if you have defeated the bosses before, you just have to play them once to unlock the songs).
These songs (except [[Avalon no oka|アヴァロンの丘]]) could be originally played in REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons- from May 2nd to 6th, 2014 by playing at the [[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] location test once. To unlock them permanently, you have to defeat their respective bosses in PASTEL WONDER TRAVELER (if you have defeated the bosses before, you just have to play them once to unlock the songs) as part of the ''REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Start Dash Campaign'' (REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! スタートダッシュキャンペーン).

The songs were added on different dates: May 9th, 2014 for [[Matsuyoigusa|待宵草]] and [[Get Over!]], May 16th, 2014 for [[Northern Lights]] and [[I LOVE SAKURA]], and May 23rd, 2014 for アヴァロンの丘.
The songs were added on different dates: May 9th, 2014 for [[Matsuyoigusa|待宵草]] and [[Get Over!]], May 16th, 2014 for [[Northern Lights]] and [[I LOVE SAKURA]], and May 23rd, 2014 for アヴァロンの丘.
{{RB1 Songlist Header|
{{RB1 Songlist Header|
{{RB1 Songlist Category|REFLEC BEAT groovin'<nowiki>!!</nowiki> Start Dash Campaign (REFLEC BEAT groovin'<nowiki>!!</nowiki> スタートダッシュキャンペーン)|bg=yellow;|color=rgb(253, 2, 144);}}
{{RB1 Songlist Category|REFLEC BEAT groovin'<nowiki>!!</nowiki> Start Dash Campaign (REFLEC BEAT groovin'<nowiki>!!</nowiki> スタートダッシュキャンペーン)|bg=yellow;|color=rgb(253, 2, 144);}}

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