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== Pastel Adventure ==
== Pastel Adventure ==
=== Overview of colette Garden ===
After the game ends, you'll be brought to the Pastel Adventure selection menu where you can choose between colette Garden and colette Climbing. Selecting colette Garden will bring you to the first screen of the colette Garden system where you will be able to select a seed (or multiple seeds) to plant inside vases by dragging the seeds into vases.
After planting the seeds, you will be prompted to proceed to phase 2 of colette Garden where your own Pastel as well as the Pastels of other players will be shown. Drag the Pastel characters to the vases which you would like to grow and press the Grow button to beginning the song unlocking process.
The speed in which songs are unlock is dependent on onigiri count as well as colour pairings. Upon your first playthrough of colette Spring, you are assigned a random colour out of 3 colours (red, blue and green). This colour is fixed and will not change in subsequent playthroughs. On the song matching screen, other players' colours are shown as a small circle with a background of one of the 3 possible colours. Matching the Pastel colour with the colour of the vase will result in a boost in unlocking speed.
Once two seeds are bloomed (2 songs are unlocked), the workshop will open. In this workshop, you'll be able to craft benches to get more vases in order to plant more seeds. The workshop starts with 3 blueprints (red, blue and green benches) which must be crafted in order to unlock all the songs currently available. To make benches, you must have the appropriate level of clothing (the first tier of benches require all your clothing to be level 2 or above). If you do not have the clothing required, then you are not able to craft benches. Crafting benches is identical to unlocking songs except with 2 major differences :
1. Onigiri count DOES NOT AFFECT bench crafting speeds. The only thing that affects crafting speed is the amount of Pastels assisting with the crafting.
2. Opponent Pastels can be used to help with crafting ONLY if they have level appropriate gear. This also allows you to craft benches with other player's Pastels even if you don't have the right clothing required to craft benches.
'' Songs are listed in the order in which the seeds can be obtained as soon as possible. It is therefore possible to unlock most songs in any order with the exception of 黒点 and ARACHNE. All current colette Garden songs are brand-new songs.''
'' Songs are listed in the order in which the seeds can be obtained as soon as possible. It is therefore possible to unlock most songs in any order with the exception of 黒点 and ARACHNE. All current colette Garden songs are brand-new songs.''



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