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KAGEKIYO 源平討魔伝メドレー

Song Information

Composition: Norio Nakagata
Arrangement: Yuuji Masubuchi
BPM: 130
Length: 2:27
Taiko Genre: Game Music
Taiko ID: genpe
First Music Game Appearance: 太鼓の達人5
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Information


  • KAGEKIYO is the most often appearing Game Music song in the 太鼓の達人 series.
  • KAGEKIYO's Oni chart is the first 太鼓の達人 chart to have a notecount of the "Namco number", 765 notes.
  • Originally, KAGEKIYO's genre was Rock. After the standardisation of genres in 太鼓の達人7, it fluctuated between the Game Music and Namco Original folders until 太鼓の達人10, after which it remained a Game Music song.
  • In TAIKO DRUM MASTER, KAGEKIYO's title was changed to The Genji and the Heike Clans.
  • KAGEKIYO received 2-player exclusive Futsuu and Oni charts in TAIKO DRUM MASTER. These were added to the arcades in 太鼓の達人11, playable as 2-player only Ura charts.
  • KAGEKIYO received an Ura Oni chart in 太鼓の達人14. This chart features branching paths in the final measure, depending on the accuracy with which the 7 large notes in the chart are hit.
  • KAGEKIYO received a full set of Ura charts in 太鼓の達人Wii 決定版.

Difficulty & Notecounts

Original Charts

To be updated.

Ura Charts

To be updated.

2-Player Ura Charts

To be updated.