Akogare no bodybuild!!
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Song Information
Artist: good-cool ft. すわひでお
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Other Instruments & Programming: good-cool
Lyrics/Vocals: Hideo Suwa
Background Vocals: good-cool, Hideo Suwa
BPM: 140
Length: 1:56
Movie: ? (overlays by ?)
First Music Game Appearance: GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
Other Music Game Appearances:
Game Size
ハッ!! バーベル!! ダンベル!! エキスパンダー!! 男は毎日シェービング!! バーベル!! ダンベル!! エキスパンダー!! 男は毎日シェービング!! バーベル!! ダンベル!! エキスパンダー!! 男は毎日シェービング!! バーベル!! ダンベル!! エキスパンダー!! 女を酔わせるMUSCLE!! 外腹斜筋 半膜様筋 上腕二頭筋 大胸筋 ヒラメ筋 前頚骨筋 腕橈骨筋 大腿二頭筋 大殿筋 腓腹筋 どんなに小さな筋肉だって続けていればいつかはマッチョ~!! (フン!! ハッ!! フン!! ハッ!!) 過去の自分は変えられなくても未来の自分、変え放題!! (ヤーッ!!) 筋肉つけて日焼けをしたらオイルを塗ってキレるのさ!! ビキニを穿いて白い歯見せてポーズを決めて六つ割れ!! 憧れのボディービル!!(ア゛~ウ!!) ハッ!! ハッ!! ハッ!! フン!! ハッ!! フン!! ハッ!! 俺は目の前の山を登り、目の前の川を渡る!! 遠くは・・・遠いので・・・見えない!! フゥ~ア!!
Song Connections / Remixes
- A long version of 憧れのボディービル!! appears on the GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG Original Soundtrack rising edition album.
- 憧れのボディービル!! is available in GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG as an unlock in Jukebox #2+ (8/2/2010).
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Original Series
Game | Drums | Guitar | Bass | Open | ||||||||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | - | ? | ? | ? |
GF/DM V8 | 19 | 42 | 77 | 22 | 56 | 75 | 36 | 63 | - | 23 | 57 | 76 |
Game | Drums | Guitar | Bass | |||||||||
Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | Novice | Regular | Expert | Master | |
Notecounts | 347 | 632 | 1012 | - | 458 | 788 | 889 | - | 453 | 799 | 832 | - |
GF/DM XG→XG2 | 1.85 | 4.60 | 7.40 | - | 2.80 | 5.25 | 6.70 | - | 3.40 | 5.55 | 7.00 | - |
GF/DM XG3 | 1.85 | 4.60 | 7.40 | - | 2.80 | 5.25 | ↑7.30 | - | 3.40 | 5.55 | ↑7.35 | - |
GITADORA | ↑2.75 | ↑5.30 | ↑7.80 | - | ↑3.75 | ↑5.85 | ↑7.60 | - | ↑4.15 | ↑6.10 | ↑7.70 | - |
GITADORA OverDrive→Present | 2.75 | 5.30 | 7.80 | - | 3.75 | 5.85 | ↑7.80 | - | 4.15 | 6.10 | ↑7.90 | - |