Song Information

Artist: Togo Project featuring Megu & Scotty D.
Composition/Arrangement: Hiroyuki Togo
Lyrics: Scotty D.
Vocals: Megu, Scotty D.
BPM: 105
Length: 1:32
Genre: R&B
VJ: Unknown
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:


No more will I wait
I've got to make my move
You'd never treat me wrong
If you knew how I'm feelin'
Baby can't you see?
To make you mine, oh mine
I'll turn things upside down (upside down)
Hunting for you
Why don't you love me?

(Oh oh oh) I want some kissin' cuz you know what I'm missin'
(Yeah) The earth goes quakin' when you're keepin' me shakin'
(Oh) Gonna start my chasing now
I wanna catch you and make you meow

You're the sweetest
How can I win your heart?
In a moment I'll crash
Nothing will calm me down
'Til you really love me
Darlin', hold me tight

No more will I wait
I've got to make my move
You'd never treat me wrong
If you knew how I'm feelin'
Baby can't you see?
To make you mine, oh mine
I'll turn things upside down (upside down)
Hunting for you
Why don't you love me?

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of HUNTING FOR YOU can be found on the beatmania GOTTAMIX Original Soundtracks album.
  • A remix of HUNTING FOR YOU, titled Hunting for You -P&ART SASANOOOHA mix-, can be found on the beatmania THE FINAL Original Soundtrack album.


  • In beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX and beatmania THE FINAL, HUNTING FOR YOU's title is capitalized as Hunting for You.
    • In beatmania GB2 ガッチャミックス, the title is capitalized as Hunting For You.
    • On the DanceDanceRevolution series, the title is capitalized as Hunting for you.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


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