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This page is for the beatmania IIDX 8th style song by Mr.T. For the Guitar Freaks XG3 & DrumMania XG3 song of the same name, please see Xenon (GF/DM).


Song Information

Artist: Mr.T
Composition/Arrangement: Tomoyuki Uchida
BPM: 158
Length: 1:47
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 8th style
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • xenon is part of Mr.T's ELECTROSHOCK series of songs.
  • A slower, instrumental version of xenon, titled xenon -unplugged-, is used as the ending song for beatmania IIDX 10th style.
  • The DanceDanceRevolution series use a slightly shorter version of xenon.


  • xenon is the ONE MORE EXTRA STAGE song of beatmania IIDX 8th style.
  • In the arcade version of beatmania IIDX 8th style, a special banner illustrated by GOLI appears on xenon's splash screen before the song starts. This was never put on a CS beatmania IIDX game.

Song Production Information


The second installment in the electroshock series, which began with ZERO-ONE. This song is also a thrilling song that spares nothing in the groovy rhythm department. Naturally I used the arpeggiator built into my synth equipment to finish off the song, but the beta version was written in MIDI. That's what makes the sound so great! (lie) Actually, I don't really get how to use it. Since these parts are all assigned keysounds, the game becomes kind of a human arpeggiatorr.

Note: an arpeggiator is a device or program that automatically plays arpeggios.

Video Production Information


It was around the end of summer this year. Around the end of one of the festivals, all of the IIDX staff were watching fireworks together. The brilliantly colored sparks rained down almost unendingly, flickering in and out at high speed. Huge fireworks that looked like some sort of dangerous electrical device ... Its name is "xenon".

Mr.T's ELECTROSHOCK song series
ZERO-ONE - xenon - EXE - vault of heaven - electro peaceful - attack in the minor key - XENON II ~TOMOYUKIの野望~
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