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Show new changes starting from 18:06, 3 December 2024
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3 December 2024

     17:30  Playa (Original Mix) diffhist +46 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     17:29  Kagetora. diffhist +166 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     17:27  Masaharu Kubota diffhist +197 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     17:22  Nora2r diffhist +98 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     17:21  AC SDVX EG diffhist +594 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs (→‎Other Licenses)
     17:19  B.B.K.K.B.K.K. diffhist +353 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:56  AC jb beyond the Ave. diffhist +291 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:47  Lover's High diffhist +595 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:35 Move log GlaringRadiokid talk contribs moved page File:Lover's High.png to File:Lover's High old.png without leaving a redirect ‎
     16:35  Rhythm Emotion diffhist +256 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:34  Psychology of Temptation diffhist +223 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:33  AC GD GALAXY WAVE diffhist +368 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:27  Hazeryanse diffhist +4 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:27  Bang-Boo Bumble diffhist +4 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:26  Arcanos diffhist +42 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:25  Pop'n music 8 CS credits diffhist +14 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:25  Force of The 4th diffhist +2 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:25  LABYRINTH diffhist +14 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:25  AC pnm 20 diffhist +2 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:25  CS pnm 7 diffhist +2 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:23  Native faith diffhist +66 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:22  Naki oujo no tame no septette diffhist +66 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:22  U.N. Owen wa kanojona no ka? diffhist +66 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:17  AKUMAJO DRACULA MEDLEY‎‎ 3 changes history +470 [Angryjoe1111‎; GlaringRadiokid‎ (2×)]
16:17 (cur | prev) +1 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
16:13 (cur | prev) −6 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
11:54 (cur | prev) +475 Angryjoe1111 talk contribs (Added English translations to sections; feel free to make any necessary changes [original from, updated from])
     16:15  Ibara hime diffhist +1 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:14  Manami Fujino diffhist −86 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs (Manami herself categorized it as a single, not an album.)
     16:14  Bill Hamel diffhist +89 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:13  SNOW AFTERNOON‎‎ 2 changes history +668 [GlaringRadiokid‎; Angryjoe1111‎]
16:13 (cur | prev) −18 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
13:48 (cur | prev) +686 Angryjoe1111 talk contribs (Added English translations to song and video production sections; feel free to make any necessary changes)
     16:13  INSPECTOR N.‎‎ 2 changes history +628 [GlaringRadiokid‎; Angryjoe1111‎]
16:13 (cur | prev) +9 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
13:11 (cur | prev) +619 Angryjoe1111 talk contribs (Added English translations to song and video production sections; feel free to make any necessary changes)
     16:13  Journey to the Wonderland‎‎ 2 changes history +110 [GlaringRadiokid‎; Angryjoe1111‎]
16:13 (cur | prev) −5 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
12:01 (cur | prev) +115 Angryjoe1111 talk contribs (Added English translations to song and video production sections; feel free to make any necessary changes)
     16:13  STEAM AND DREAM‎‎ 2 changes history +982 [GlaringRadiokid‎; Angryjoe1111‎]
16:13 (cur | prev) −4 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
11:38 (cur | prev) +986 Angryjoe1111 talk contribs (Added English translations to song and video production sections; feel free to make any necessary changes)
     16:12  Motion diffhist −10 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:12  Memories diffhist −8 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:12  Sabre Dance diffhist +6 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:12  Ride on the Light diffhist +14 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:12  Shiritori diffhist −23 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:11  Shining Dream diffhist −127 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs (Removing speculation.)
     16:11  CRISIS OF LOVE diffhist +1 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:11  Keyboard Man diffhist +13 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:11  Let's go back home (for Christmas) diffhist +3 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     16:10  Pf Concerto No.2 diffhist −6 GlaringRadiokid talk contribs
     15:46  User talk:GlaringRadiokid diffhist +146 Movesp talk contribs (→‎Re: Revert on Nyan Cat)
     11:15  RemyWiki talk:Rules diffhist +435 Movesp talk contribs (→‎Adding a list of Administrators page in the Remywiki namespace for the no editing wars rule: new section)