Jam & Marmalade

Revision as of 17:40, 14 July 2016 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs) (Not until the final release of SINOBUZ.)

Jam & Marmalade

Song Information

Jam & Marmalade's jacket.

Artist: FinalOffset
Composition/Arrangement: FinalOffset
BPM: 145
Length: 1:14
VJ: MORO (beatmania), VJ GYO (beatmania IIDX)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania III
Other Music Game Appearances:


Like this {repeatedly}

We must realize that our people will do as we do, and they will do as they-

Stop {repeatedly}

Song Connections / Remixes

  • The game version of Jam & Marmalade sounds very different from the OST version on the beatmania III // new songs collection album. It also does not contain the vocal samples heard in the game version.
    • DanceDanceRevolution uses the OST version of Jam&Marmalade.
  • Jam & Marmalade shares two sound samples with Spin the disc, from beatmania IIDX 5th style.


  • In the beatmania III series, Jam & Marmalade's Single ANOTHER chart changes from the middle if the player has a high number of POORs and BADs, changing to a more simple version of itself.
  • Jam & Marmalade received new Double NORMAL and Single/Double ANOTHER charts in beatmania THE FINAL.
  • Jam & Marmalade's Double ANOTHER chart was removed in beatmania IIDX 4th style -new songs collection-, and it was not included when the song was revived in beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS.
  • Jam & Marmalade's title is shown as Jam&Marmalade in the DanceDanceRevolution series before DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA, as well on the beatmania IIDX series from beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS onwards.
  • Jam&Marmalade's background videos in DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution- are direct rips of FLASH IN THE NIGHT's background videos from DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX-. This includes positions where the videos change from one another with the exception of some ending videos missing. This is due to the fact that Jam&Marmalade's charts are 18 measures shorter than FLASH IN THE NIGHT's charts.
    • These videos were carried over to all future DanceDanceRevolution games it appeared in up until DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA.
  • Jam&Marmalade received a BEGINNER chart in DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution-.
  • Jam & Marmalade received a slightly different banner in DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA.
  • As of beatmania IIDX 23 copula, Jam&Marmalade is currently one of the two beatmania III original songs still on beatmania IIDX arcade games, along with mnemoniq.
    • It is also one of the two beatmania III original songs still on DanceDanceRevolution arcade games, along with Twin Bee -Generation X-.

Song Production Information


CS Information Data

DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution- / DDRMAX2 -DanceDanceRevolution-

"Jam & Marmalade" by Final Offset is the perfect song if you're looking for some hard driving house. "Jam & Marmalade" is jam packed with dancing goodness.

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania difficulty rated from 1 to 9.
beatmania IIDX to 10th style difficulty rated from 1 to 7+ (up to 9th style) or 8 (10th style), and from 1 to 12 from HAPPY SKY onwards.
beatmania III difficulty rated from 1 to 6 in beatmania III, and 1 to 9 from APPEND CORE REMIX onwards.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2, and 1 to 20 from X onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)


Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Normal Hard Another Normal Hard Another
Notecounts 361 456 474 366 456 491
beatmania THE FINAL ↑5 6 8 5 ↑7 8

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts - 388 456 512 327 451 512 {{{8}}} {{{9}}}
beatmania IIDX 4th style - 4 5 N/A 4 5 N/A {{{9}}} {{{10}}}
beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS→18 Resort Anthem - ↑5 ↑7 8 4 ↑6 - {{{9}}} {{{10}}}
beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle→Present - ↑6 7 8 4 6 - {{{9}}} {{{10}}}
beatmania IIDX 4th style CS - 4 5 5 4 5 - {{{9}}} {{{10}}}

beatmania III

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Normal Hard Another Normal Hard Another
Notecounts 361 456 512 456 456 -
beatmania III 4 5 5 4 5 -
beatmania III APPEND CORE REMIX→THE FINAL 4 ↑6 ↑8 4 ↑6 -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 92 / 0 109 / 15 179 / 8 212 / 13 - / - / - 115 / 6 173 / 6 205 / 1 - / - / -
DDRMAX CS US - 3 5 8 - 4 6 7 -
DDRMAX2 CS JP - 3 5 8 - 4 6 7 -
DDRMAX2 CS US 1 3 5 8 - 4 6 7 -
Dancing Stage Fever (PS2) 1 3 5 8 - 4 6 7 -
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA→SuperNOVA2 1 3 5 8 - 4 6 7 -
DanceDanceRevolution X→Present 3 4 8 11 - 5 8 10 -