Murmur twins
murmur twins
Song Information
Artist: yu_tokiwa.djw
Composition/Arrangement: Jun Wakita
Lyrics/Vocals: Yu Tokiwa
BPM: 174
Length: 2:03
VJ: kaeru
First Music Game Appearance: beatmaniaIIDX 8th style
Other Music Game Series Appearances:
- DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA
- pop'n music 10
- REFLEC BEAT limelight
What are you driving, any... anything Just to come on, to anything Just believing where hiding, rallying my dark You get sunburned Can we believe in anything? Are you all set? We're a gong, go! Slam the door and leave in same funny time Pudding a-la mode... You don't have to believe, in a color yourself But I just saw it Gotta keep alot of the things Oh you know - fight the bad feeling - no fair! If you wanted the view, then I'm having your fun There's something wrong with these Follow to me - and can do our song tonight I just wann' be, another song So I don't mind that we don't talk to me True, said that you know that song? Hearing "okay, You are mine besides!" What are you driving, any... anything Just to come on, to anything Just believing where hiding, rallying my dark You get sunburned Can we believe in anything? Are you all set? We're a gong, go! Slam the door and leave in same funny time Pudding a-la mode...
Song Connections/Remixes
- murmur twins (guitar pop ver.), appears on pop'n music 10 featuring good-cool on guitar, hence the artist name yu_tokiwa.djw merge scl.gtr. This also appears in on Guitar FreaksV4 & DrummaniaV4 Rock x Rock.
- murmur twins (srab the hardcore mix), remixed by kors k, appears on the beatmaniaIIDX 8th style V-RARE SOUNDTRACK 8.
- DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA uses a short version of this song.
- A long version of this song appears on wac's album, 音楽.
- Just like Spica from the same composer, this song sounds different between LIGHT7, 7KEYS and ANOTHER difficulty levels.
- murmur twins appears as the EX chart for murmur twins (guitar pop ver.).
- This is Tomoko Shiono's first full IIDX video. (She had earlier helped on the video for Second Style (Hip Hop Paradise) back in beatmaniaIIDX 2nd style.)
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
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