PARANOiA Revolution
PARANOiA Revolution
Song Information
Artist: CLIMAX OF MAXX 360
Arrangement: TAG
BPM: 180-360
Length: 1:51
Movie: Unknown
First Music Game Appearances: DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Samples from most PARANOiA songs, notably samples from PARANOIA EVOLUTION, and announcer sounds from 2ndMIX are heard.
Song Connections / Remixes
- PARANOiA Revolution is the latest entry in the PARANOiA series as of DanceDanceRevolution (2013).
- PARANOiA Revolution is the fourth song in the PARANOiA series that isn't arranged by Naoki Maeda. The other three are PARANOiA ETERNAL by STM 200, PARANOiA -Respect- by .3k and PARANOiA ~HADES~ by αTYPE-300.
- All of the above PARANOiA songs also do not follow the artist name convention where only the song's BPM is the artist name.
- PARANOiA Revolution's EXPERT chart features various sections of past DanceDanceRevolution boss songs' EXPERT and/or CHALLENGE charts.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
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