Star no koibito


Song Information

スタアの恋人's jacket.

Artist: くにたけ みゆき
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Other Instruments & Drum Programming: Mutsuhiko Izumi
Lyrics: Y.Uehara
Vocals: Miyuki Kunitake
BPM: 170
Length: 1:26
Movie: あまも
First Music Game Appearance: GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX power-up ver.
Other Music Game Appearances:



どこにいても目立つ だってアタシ スタア

あたしといるとみんな見るけど気にしないでね ダーリン
ちょっぴり気の小さいアナタ 暗たんたる気持ち?

だってこれは二人の恋だもん 他の人なんか関係ない
なにを言われたってへっちゃら あたしが選んだダーリン

街を歩こう 手と手繋いじゃおう

みんな騒ぐ群がる だってあたしスタア

Song Connections / Remixes



This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • Like the other 5 power-up ver. songs (begin, BRAND NEW LADY, ROOPA, たまゆら, and わすれもの), スタアの恋人 was only released on the GUITARFREAKS & drummania BEST TRACKS CD until it appeared on the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania - SUPER BEST BOX - collection 8 years later. They are all on the end of disc 4.
  • スタアの恋人 is available in GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX with an e-AMUSEMENT account. スタアの恋人 has been made automatically available in Standard Mode as of GuitarFreaks V & DrumMania V.
  • スタアの恋人 is one of the unlockable songs of the ULTIMATE FESTIVAL!! ULTIMATE GATE event of GITADORA OverDrive.
  • スタアの恋人 received a new jacket in GITADORA OverDrive.
  • スタアの恋人 did not appear in GITADORA (Mobile).
  • スタアの恋人 is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HISTORY PACK vol.4 (コナステ GITADORA HISTORYパック vol.4).

Song Production Information

Mutsuhiko Izumi

I tried to make the theme a "fun pleasant rideable song".
Please enjoy the ever different "Miyuki Kunitake".

Video Production Information


I'm Amamo, and I was in charge of "スタア (not "スター" but "ス・タ・ア" ← this is important!) の恋人".

The concept of this clip was to make an "opening song for an anime". But still with a cheerful and upbeat feeling★
Well, it's been a while since I watched the openings of various anime (that start around 18:00) in order to make this clip. (Of course, I'm not at home at that time, so I recorded them.)
I was surprised at how elaborate the latest anime is. It's amazing. It's cool. It's beautiful.

I had a lot of trouble getting the characters to look the way they do this time. I couldn't get an idea of "Star".... I started with such a vague idea, and at one point I almost went down a completely different path. It was so close~
But a few days later, I had a flash of inspiration and this character was born. I'm glad, I'm glad. Oh, and her boyfriend came easily. It's a nice feeling~.
By the way, the name of the character is a secret. A se-cret. Oh~, it's star-like.
Please feel free to call her whatever you like.

Oh, the thing I wanted to do most this time was to change the time in the upper left corner.
Did you guys notice the change from 30 minutes to 31 minutes?
That's what I wanted to do~

So, please enjoy yourselves and play as if you were a star♪

Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania difficulty rated from 1 to 99 from GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX onwards.
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Version

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 229 473 654 162 350 350 182 406 - 162 350 350
GF8/dm7 power-up ver.→GF/DM V8 16 29 58 12 26 40 15 24 - 19 30 42
GF/DM MASTERPIECE GOLD 16 29 58 12 26 40 15 24 - 19 30 42


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 224 457 654 - 208 322 350 - 242 388 406 -
GITADORA OverDrive→Tri-Boost 2.90 5.10 6.65 - 3.25 5.45 7.15 - 3.30 5.30 6.80 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓2.60 ↓4.75 ↓6.45 - ↓2.70 ↓4.65 ↓6.45 - ↓2.75 ↓4.70 ↓6.10 -
GITADORA Matixx ↑2.85 ↑5.15 ↑6.70 - ↑3.05 ↑4.90 ↑6.70 - ↑2.95 ↑5.10 ↑6.45 -
GITADORA EXCHAIN ↑2.95 ↑5.45 ↑6.95 - ↓2.95 ↓4.75 ↑6.80 - ↑3.25 ↓4.90 ↓6.30 -
GITADORA NEX+AGE 2.95 5.45 ↑7.00 - ↓2.90 ↑4.80 6.80 - 3.25 ↑4.95 ↑6.35 -
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→Present ↑3.05 5.45 ↓6.95 - ↑3.65 ↑5.20 ↑7.00 - ↑3.40 ↑5.35 ↑6.60 -
コナステ GITADORA 2.95 5.45 7.00 - 2.90 4.80 6.80 - 3.25 4.95 6.35 -