Page history
19 September 2012
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→New Songs
→New Songs
mpart of the default songlist
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List seems to be legit.
→New Songs
→New Songs
→Steel Chronicle Link Song
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs
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→New Songs
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18 September 2012
14 September 2012
12 September 2012
11 September 2012
5 September 2012
going with 25th september only until other news come up.
updated as bemaniwiki says. Release Date "xx" (cabinets) is still not known.
No properly official release date out
29 August 2012
29 July 2012
10 July 2012
24 April 2012
23 April 2012
22 April 2012
→New Songs
→New Songs
→New Songs: Considering kors k has come out and said he is one half of Suke+Suke, and the other is 〇〇スケ, I think it's safe to say it's Tomosuke, no?
20 April 2012
19 April 2012
18 April 2012
→New Songs: Changed to the last BEMANIWiki revision.
Doubt Nekomata Master is, but you never know...
no edit summary
→Info/Changes: It's late so my sentences might be a mess, sorry, but added the system changes detailed on the loctest site
→New Songs