Kinjirareta chigiri

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Song Information

禁じられた契約's pop'n music banner.

Artist: フレディ波多江とエレハモニカ
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Seiya Murai
Vocals: Freddie Hatae
BPM: 110-150
Length: 2:00
pop'n music Genre: DARKNESS 2 (ダークネス2)
pop'n music Character: Zizz [9]
pop'n CG design: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 9
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Game Size


「いいでしょう そう致しましょう
その白い手で 記された 震える字の署名(サイン)

横たわり その時を待つ 凍てついたシーツの上には
悲しみも 喜びも無い 造り変わる躰

汚れの無い 碧く潤んだ瞳
そこに映るすべて 許されるのだろうか?

薄れてゆく頬の紅 鋼のように
その痛みに耐え忍ぶ叫びは 闇に融けて儚い
永久に続く生命と引き替えに 差し出すものは
胸に刻む禁じられた契約 誰もそれを知らない


"It would be a good idea, so let's do so.
I'll grant you a wish of hope."
With your white hands, a shiver-written signature (sign)

Lying down, waiting for your time, on the icy sheets
There's no sadness and joy as the build of your body changes

There aren't any stains on your moist, deep blue eyes
I wonder if you'll forgive me for everything reflected therein?

Your red cheeks faded like steel
Crying while enduring the pain, you emptied out and melted into the darkness
The offer is in exchange for eternal life
The forbidden contract is to your heart - and nobody knows it!

Long Version


「いいでしょう そう致しましょう
その白い手で 記された

横たわり その時を待つ
悲しみも 喜びも無い

汚れの無い 碧く潤んだ瞳
そこに映るすべて 許されるのだろうか?

薄れてゆく頬の紅 鋼のように
その痛みに耐え忍ぶ叫びは 闇に融けて儚い
永久に続く生命と引き替えに 差し出すものは
胸に刻む禁じられた契約 誰もそれを知らない

「どうでしょう 素晴らしいでしょう
その胸に今 刻印された

ぎこちなく 微笑んでみる
壊れそうで 透き通るような

淡く甘い その黒髪の香り
唯ひとつ残った 幼し頃の記憶

悔いる時間など許されない 虜のように
その誓いを破り捨てる事を 考えてはいけない
永久に続く生命を得るために 差し出したもの
胸に刻む禁じられた契約 戻ることはできない

薄れてゆく頬の紅 鋼のように
その痛みに耐え忍ぶ叫びは 闇に融けて儚い
永久に続く生命と引き替えに 差し出すものは
胸に刻む禁じられた契約 誰もそれを知らない


"It would be a good idea, so let's do so.
I'll grant you a wish of hope."
With your white hands, 
a shiver-written signature (sign)

Lying down, waiting for your time, 
on the icy sheets
There's no sadness and joy 
as the build of your body changes

There aren't any stains on your moist, deep blue eyes
I wonder if you'll forgive me for everything reflected therein?

Your red cheeks faded like steel
Crying while enduring the pain, you emptied out and melted into the darkness
The offer is in exchange for eternal life
The forbidden contract is to your heart - and nobody knows it!

"What? It would be awesome
You'll surely be in a good mood, so bon appetit"
Now, imprinted on your chest,
Is a coat of arms of black roses (sign)

You tried to smile awkwardly
On the other side of the old mirror
Fragile, transparent,
Born without skin

It's light and sweet, the scent of your black hair
There's only one of them left - a memory of your young days

You won't be allowed to have time to repent - like a prisoner
And don't even think about breaking these vows!
It's a one-handed offer to get life that will go on forever,
The forbidden contract is to your heart - and you can't return it!

Your red cheeks faded like steel
Crying while enduring the pain, you emptied out and melted into the darkness
The offer is in exchange for eternal life
The forbidden contract is to your heart - and nobody knows it!

Song Connections / Remixes

  • The version of 禁じられた契約 on the pop'n music 9 AC ♡ CS pop'n music 7 original soundtrack is slightly extended from its in-game version.
  • A long version of 禁じられた契約 can be found on the pop'n music Vocal Best 5 album.
  • 禁じられた契約 is part of the DARKNESS series of songs.


Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings obtained from Pop'n Music Fever.)

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 233 433 767 - 314 440
pop'n music 9→20 fantasia 8 17 31 - 15 22
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present 11 23 37 - 15 22
pop'n music 9 CS 8 17 31 - 15 22
pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS 8 17 31 - 15 22

※ The notecount of this chart is different from the old 5-Buttons chart (total notes: 175).

フレディ波多江エレハモニカ's DARKNESS song series
Main Series 電気人形 - 禁じられた契約 - Quiet - 終末の序曲~オワリノハジマリ~