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Song Information

Artist: tiger YAMATO with ultrabeatbox
BPM: 179
Genre: Rave
VJ: Unknown
First Appeared On: AC 3rd style
Length: 1:27 (1:34 for the Ska-Ana Mix)




  • R5 (Ska-Ana Mix)

Song Connections

  • R5 is part of the series of tiger YAMATO songs in which the song titles consist of a single letter followed by a number.


  • R5 (Ska-Ana Mix) can be played when you choose to play R5 on Another difficulty. The only difference between the Ska-Ana Mix and the original is that the Ska-Ana Mix has a longer and more pronounced piano roll.
  • R5, as well as many other tiger YAMATO songs titled like it, are named after Reo Nagumo's car projects.