Bad youth awake

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Song Information

バッドユース・アウェイク's jacket.

Artist: みーに feat. はらもりよしな
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: mini
Vocals: Yoshina Haramori
BPM: 115
Length: 1:55
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution WORLD
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • バッドユース・アウェイク is part of the DanceDanceRevolution 25th Anniversary ~Song Creator Audition~ (DanceDanceRevolution 25th Anniversary ~楽曲クリエイターオーディション~) contest. It is available in DanceDanceRevolution WORLD from launch date.

Song Production Information


Hi, I'm mini! Congratulations for DDR's 25th anniversary!
DDR has been one of my favorite arcade games since I saw the excitement for it at The 9th KAC!
I'm so happy for the opportunity to have my song in DDR!!!

This is my first time trying Glitch Hop! There might be a lot of green arrows!
The lyrics are something like "even in this hard world, express yourself through dancing!"
Use the ideals in your toes as a springboard to jump! Best regards!

Yoshina Haramori

Nice to meet you! I'm Yoshina Haramori, who sang "Bad youth awake"
I'm very happy to be in the BEMANI series, which I've been a fan for a long time, to commemorate DDR's 25th anniversary.
I sang with a low center of gravity so that the low BPM would bring out the coolness of this song!
Please enjoy playing it a lot!

Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 59 / 0 134 / 17 236 / 16 373 / 10 - / - / - 134 / 18 237 / 19 378 / 6 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution WORLD→Present 2 5 8 13 - 4 8 13 -
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 2 5 8 13 - 4 8 13 -
DanceDanceRevolution 25th Anniversary
ボーカルオーディション Happy Dance Day 2 U - Move On - Niji no Sekai - Throw Out - きらきら☆ユニバース - 踊れ!!バーチャルアニマル!!
楽曲クリエイターオーディション Arcadia - Dance and Death - DanRevoAthlon - Don't Stop The HYPERCORE - Dozen Flower - First Action
Funky Flux Fusion - Gravity Collapse - Heavy Rain - HyperNOAH - No More Love - Ødyssey - Origin Pulsation
Roche Limit - Sweetin' Fruity - The 88's Instigation - The Ashes of Boreas - WONDER COASTER
愛氏AIされ - バッドユース・アウェイク - ハジマリノアイズ ft. りんたる - 白日と幻月 - 極地大衝撃 - おひさし中華街!
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