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Song Information
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Vocals: NICK BOYS
BPM: 146-150
Length: 2:00
pop'n music Genre: HOKEN RAP (保健ラップ)
pop'n music Character: NICKEY [14]
pop'n CG designer: ちひ
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 14 FEVER!
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Repeater Nick boy へへへへへ 性徴 (ゴシゴシゴシゴシゴシ) YO 性腺刺激ホルモンだらだらやベー(やぺー) 性腺刺激ホルモンだらだらやベー(やぺー) YOそう珍奇二次三次性徴 YOピックピックダラ性情 三日間溜め込んだ栄養 ゴックンゴックンパレード いま射精 どこまで(?) 人間オスメス交差点 いったいどこまで発展 液がだらだらやベー だらだらやべー だらだらやべー(やべーやべーやべーやべー) イスで(?)Everyone lesson 1,2 NICK BOY適当 勘がいい方 卵巣精巣 replay penis ball wet 女の子たまんない get cock 先生俺のソフト乳房のLet’s playing enjoy list up 月のイベント君がここの象徴(?) ニューロン シナプスフルに膨張 へへへへははははー Yeahつよし君ちんぽ つよしのー YO konami check now hold up hold up (しこしこしこしこしこ) YO 繋がるとき ウキウ(せい)キ one say 正気(正気) 人差し指より大きいよ まだラッキーrockin’ 男性ホルモン豪気減欲 活性する性腺 パイプカットして制限 前立腺より経験 尿道最前線 性腺刺激ホルモンだらだらやベー(やべー) 性腺刺激ホルモンだらだらやベー(やべー) (ハァハァハァハァ)
repeater nick boy hehehehehe seichou (goshi goshi goshi goshi goshi) YO seisen-shigeki horumon daradara yabeee (yapeee) seisen-shigeki horumon daradara yabeee (yapeee) YO sou chinki nijisanjiseichou YO pikku pikku dara seijou sankakan tamekonda eiyou gokkun gokkun pareedo ima shasei doko made ningen osumesu kousaten ittai doko made hatten eki ga daradara yabee daradara yabee daradara yabeee (yapee yapee yapee yapee) isu de everyone lesson 1, 2 NICK BOY tekitou ga ii kata ransou seisou replay penis ball wet onnanoko tamannai get cock sensei ore no sofuto chibusa no let's playing enjoy list up tsuki no ibentokun ga koko no shouchou nyuuron shinapusu furu ni bouchou hehehehehahahahaa yeah Tsuyoshi-kun chinpo Tsuyoshi no- YO konami check now hold up hold up (shiko shiko shiko shiko shiko) YO tsunagarutoki ukiu(sei)ki one say shouki (shouki) hitosashiyubi yori oukii yo mada rakkii rockin' dansei horumon goukigen yoku kasseisuru seisen paipu kattoshite seigen zenritsusen yori keiken nyoudou saizensen seisen-shigeki horumon daradara yabeee (yapeee) seisen-shigeki horumon daradara yabeee (yapeee) (haa haa haa haa)
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Song Connections / Remixes
- DOLLAR DOLLAR is one of the songs part of Episode 2 of the Fever senshi pop'n 14 (フィーバー戦士 ポップン14) event. It could be unlocked from July 12th to July 19th, 2006.
- From July 26th, 2006, it is available by default.
- DOLLAR DOLLAR is the only song credited to NICK BOYS that does not have "Nick" in its name.
- DOLLAR DOLLAR's charts were created by TOMOSUKE himself [1].
- DOLLAR DOLLAR marks the first new sprite for NICKEY since Nick RING in pop'n music 11. His new sprite is based on an early concept art of the character back in pop'n music 11, as shown here.
- "Hoken" (保健) is Japanese for hygiene/sanitation.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
Game | Normal Mode | Battle Mode | ||||
5-Buttons | NORMAL | HYPER | EX | NORMAL | HYPER | |
Notecounts | 298 | 373 | 603 | 896 | 178 | 298 |
pop'n music 14 FEVER!→20 fantasia | 6 | 16 | 28 | 35 | 5 | 8 |
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present | - | 22 | 34 | 41 | 5 | 8 |
pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS | 6 | 16 | 28 | 35 | 5 | 8 |
pop'n music Lively | - | 22 | 34 | 41 | - | - |
Expandフィーバー戦士 ポップン14 |