Hora de verdad

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hora de verdad

Song Information

hora de verdad's pop'n music banner.

Artist: Vandalusia改
Composition/Arrangement: Vandalusia Kai
BPM: 140-280
Length: 1:51
Genre: CYBER FLAMENCO (サイバーフラメンコ)
pop'n music Character: UNO [14]
pop'n CG designer: shio
Movie: BEMANI Designers "KINRUI"
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 14 FEVER!
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The OST version of hora de verdad has some of the vocal samples played at different times than in the game version (most noticeably near the beginning).
  • hora de verdad shares the "let's go!" sample with DANCE ALL NIGHT and diagram.


  • hora de verdad is one of the songs part of Episode 6 of the Fever senshi pop'n 14 (フィーバー戦士 ポップン14) event. It could be unlocked from August 9th to 23rd, 2006.
    • From September 6th, 2006, it is available by default.
  • hora de verdad marks the first collaboration between Ryutaro Nakahara and Jun Wakita in BEMANI.
  • "Hora de verdad" is Spanish for "time of truth"/"hour of truth".
  • "Uno" is Spanish for "one".
  • hora de verdad is the only song in the HELL 14 course that whose EX chart was not re-rated in pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝.
  • hora de verdad appears as DLC for the American version of pop'n music (Wii), in the Grand Touring pack, where hora de verdad's artist is romanized as vandalusia-KAI.
  • hora de verdad could be unlocked in pop'n music Lively from August 2nd, 2023 to October 4th, 2023 as a Kikan gentei quest (期間限定クエスト).
    • From August 7th, 2024, it can be unlocked via Ticket Quest after purchasing the song with two Lively Tickets (Livelyチケット).
  • hora de verdad is one of the HALL-3 unlocks of beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush's PINKY JUMP UP! unlock event. It can be unlocked from March 6th, 2025.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever, BEMANIWiki 2nd, and TexTage.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts / Charge Notes - 574 / ? 1055 / 13 1564 / 12 - 555 / ? 1019 / 15 1574 / 15 -
beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush→Present - 6 10 12 - 6 10 12 -

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 339 403 753 1096 421 735
pop'n music 14 FEVER!→20 fantasia 12 19 36 42 13 22
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 25 42 48 13 22
pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS 12 19 36 42 13 22
pop'n music Lively - 25 42 48 - -
フィーバー戦士 ポップン14
Episode 1 Dance the night away - Aithon - わたしのフォーティーン(フィーバー戦士ポップン14 EDテーマ) - フィーバー戦士ポップン14のテーマ
Episode 2 ちょっと - 燃やせ!青春 ~ポップン学園応援歌~ - DOLLAR DOLLAR - 想い出をありがとう
Episode 3 FAKE - オトメルンバ♪ - あつまれ!ビーくんソング - 異能対決!VS.淀ジョル
Episode 4 トルバドゥールの回想 - Deep Magenta - 個胃X光 - サヨナラ*ヘヴン
Episode 5 A SHOOTING STAR - BIG-BANG STARS - popdod - Psyche Planet-V
Episode 6 hora de verdad - 猿の経 - Übertreffen - BBLLAASSTT!!
Fever Robo Completion 踊るフィーバーロボ
HELL course songs
HELL 1-5 I'm on Fire - すれちがう2人 Millennium mix - R.C. - 西新宿清掃曲
HELL 1-5 ReNew すてきなタブーラ - 水中家族のテーマ - お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX - Concertare
HELL 6 Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) - 작은행복 - H@ppy Choice - 大見解
HELL 7 Denpasar - SA-DA-ME - 夜間行 - Ending theme of pop'n music 6
HELL 6-7 ReNew Maritare! - The tyro's reverie - 悲しいね - 夜間行
HELL the EIGHT ♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ - Over the night - pure - 釈迦
HELL 9 Dynamic ! Atomic ! S.C.B.G. ~ver.1~ - デパ地下のお話 - 男々道 - ブタパンチのテーマ
HELL 10 明鏡止水 - Jack - Holy Forest - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)
HELL-11 - 怒れる大きな白い馬 - カゲロウ - でんがなマンガナ
HELL 12 - Vairocana - 進め!爺ちゃん! - 雪上断火
HELL 13 BAROQUE HOEDOWN - HypArcSin(x) - 文明開化 - ƒƒƒƒƒ
真HELL 13 フリーパス - KING of the SEA - Sanctum Crusade - 真超深TION
HELL 14 hora de verdad - BBLLAASSTT!! - 猿の経 - Übertreffen
HELL 1~14 Vairocana - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) - ブタパンチのテーマ - Übertreffen
HELL 15 Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- - 天庭 - ZETA〜素数の世界と超越者〜 - neu
HELL 16 バイキングマン - CHIP'N'RIDDIM - 万物快楽理論 - シュレーディンガーの猫
HELL 17 ƒƒƒƒƒ op.2 - 突然ゴルゴンゾーラ - Geiselhaus - 音楽
せんごく地獄 蛇神 - 西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 - NOBUNAGA -
HELL TUNE STREET Remain - BabeL ~Grand Story~ - BabeL ~Next Story~ - BabeL ~roof garden~
HELL fantasia Southern Cross - カラルの月 - Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ - 少年は空を辿る
HELL Sunny Park コドモライブ - 背徳と邪悪のエピタフ - 生命の焔纏いて - 生命の環を紡いで
Arcanos - Bang-Boo Bumble - DIVINE JUDGEMENT - 爆ぜりゃんせ - 消極的セツナイズム
Roar of Chronos
IDOL syndrome. (LEGGENDARIA) - Mid-Corner (Magic Maker) - Show Me All Your Love - Slumber☆Party - ドリムチウ
天使のカンタータ -Cantata of Angels-
Caldwell 99 (LEGGENDARIA) - Constellation - FlyAway - hora de verdad - ハルイロメロディー - きみのせかい
Without Heaven
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