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Song Information

NOBUNAGA's pop'n music banner.
NOBUNAGA's jacket.

Artist: 本能寺尊之
Composition/Arrangement/Vocals: Takayuki Honnouji
BPM: 150
Length: 1:58
pop'n music Genre: MUHON TRANCE (謀叛トランス)
pop'n music Character: N-NAGA [18]
pop'n CG designer: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The OST version of NOBUNAGA is slightly longer than the game version.


  • NOBUNAGA is one of the songs part of Week 3 of the Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku (めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録) event. It could be unlocked in pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 from April 14th to 20th, 2010, after having obtained all the charts for all songs from previous weeks in the event.
  • Oda Nobunaga (織田信長) was the initiator of the unification of Japan during the Warring States period, and was also a major Japanese feudal lord (大名, daimyo).
    • The artist alias used by Takayuki Ishikawa, Takayuki Honnouji, refers to the temple in Kyoto called Honnouji, where Oda Nobunaga was defeated and forced to commit suicide.
  • The text in NOBUNAGA's background reads as "Achtzehnter Erlkönig", German for "Eighteenth Erlkönig".
    • Erlkönig (or Erlking) is a name used for the figure of a spirit or "king of the fairies". For more information, see this article.
  • NOBUNAGA is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively Music Pack vol.2 (pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.2).

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

pop'n music

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 336 365 781 1266 340 558
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 16 20 35 42 16 24
pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET→20 fantasia 16 20 ↑36 42 16 24
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 26 42 48 16 24
pop'n music Lively - 26 42 48 - -


Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 237 350 522
ポップンリズミン 3 7 9
めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録
Week 1 GOLD RUSH (pop'n GOLD MOUNTAIN rush) - 白夜幻燈 - ドンパン節 - 夢添うてぃ(desmix2010)
Week 2 Ignited Night - TSUGARU - 紅ノ桃 - しまなみ海道 男道 - 突確全回転!
Week 3 TRINITY ARROW - 風林火山 - 辞世テンプレート
Week 1-3 Unlocks AKATSUKI - NOBUNAGA - 三日天下モンキー
Week 4 情熱 fun! fun! - ペリーでぇす! - ポップミュージック続論 - 差無来!!
Week 5 O・KU・NI - 怒れる大きな白い馬~S.S.D.の役~ - 水面静かに大地の烈日わたらせて - 防人恋歌
Week 4-5 Unlocks Dogu Ditty - 蛇神 - 踊る埴輪

HELL course songs
HELL 1-5 I'm on Fire - すれちがう2人 Millennium mix - R.C. - 西新宿清掃曲
HELL 1-5 ReNew すてきなタブーラ - 水中家族のテーマ - お江戸花吹雪 TEYAN-day MIX - Concertare
HELL 6 Midnight Yoghurt(女SPY☆お色気ゴーゴー脱出大作戦) - 작은행복 - H@ppy Choice - 大見解
HELL 7 Denpasar - SA-DA-ME - 夜間行 - Ending theme of pop'n music 6
HELL 6-7 ReNew Maritare! - The tyro's reverie - 悲しいね - 夜間行
HELL the EIGHT ♥LOVE² シュガ→♥ - Over the night - pure - 釈迦
HELL 9 Dynamic ! Atomic ! S.C.B.G. ~ver.1~ - デパ地下のお話 - 男々道 - ブタパンチのテーマ
HELL 10 明鏡止水 - Jack - Holy Forest - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力)
HELL-11 - 怒れる大きな白い馬 - カゲロウ - でんがなマンガナ
HELL 12 - Vairocana - 進め!爺ちゃん! - 雪上断火
HELL 13 BAROQUE HOEDOWN - HypArcSin(x) - 文明開化 - ƒƒƒƒƒ
真HELL 13 フリーパス - KING of the SEA - Sanctum Crusade - 真超深TION
HELL 14 hora de verdad - BBLLAASSTT!! - 猿の経 - Übertreffen
HELL 1~14 Vairocana - ULTRA BUTTERFLY(坤剛力) - ブタパンチのテーマ - Übertreffen
HELL 15 Votum stellarum -forest #25 RMX- - 天庭 - ZETA〜素数の世界と超越者〜 - neu
HELL 16 バイキングマン - CHIP'N'RIDDIM - 万物快楽理論 - シュレーディンガーの猫
HELL 17 ƒƒƒƒƒ op.2 - 突然ゴルゴンゾーラ - Geiselhaus - 音楽
せんごく地獄 蛇神 - 西軍||∴⊂SEKIGAHARA⊃∴||東軍 - NOBUNAGA -
HELL TUNE STREET Remain - BabeL ~Grand Story~ - BabeL ~Next Story~ - BabeL ~roof garden~
HELL fantasia Southern Cross - カラルの月 - Eine Haube ~聖地の果てにあるもの~ - 少年は空を辿る
HELL Sunny Park コドモライブ - 背徳と邪悪のエピタフ - 生命の焔纏いて - 生命の環を紡いで
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