Far Beyond Blackened

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Far Beyond Blackened

Song Information

Far Beyond Blackened's jacket.

Artist: Ninezero
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Guitars/Bass/Other Instruments & Programming: 96-chan
Vocals/Chorus: Ninezero
BPM: 135
Length: 1:35
Movie: 斉藤 幸延
First Music Game Appearance: GuitarFreaks V5 & DrumMania V5 Rock to Infinity
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size

Waking up this morning
The same stuff comes up everyday
Just makes me turned-off
Gotta have to run away

Here we go to the new day
For the freedom
Here we go to another way
I gotta be
Fugitive in this paradise

Long Version

*Waking up this morning
 The same stuff comes up everyday
 Just makes me turned-off
 Gotta have to run away

Walking down the highway
But the sick stuff crosses everyday
Just makes us turned-off
Gotta have to run away

**Here we go to the new day
  For the freedom
  Here we go to another way
  I gotta be
  Fugitive in this paradise

* repeat

** repeat

** repeat

Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • Far Beyond Blackened is Craig Schweizer's final BEMANI song.
  • Far Beyond Blackened is one of the unlocks of GITADORA FUZZ-UP's Daishuugou atsumare together! GITADORA All Star GIG! (大集合あつまれトゥギャザー!GITADORAオールスターGIG!) event. It could be unlocked from April 12th, 2023.
    • In GITADORA GALAXY WAVE, it can be unlocked in the Daihousou awasero channel! GALAXY MUSIC PARADE! (大放送あわせろチャンネル!GALAXY MUSIC PARADE!) event from October 3rd, 2024.
  • Far Beyond Blackened received a new jacket in GITADORA FUZZ-UP.
  • Far Beyond Blackened is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HISTORY PACK vol.29 (コナステ GITADORA HISTORYパック vol.29).

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania difficulty rated from 1 to 99 from GUITARFREAKS 5thMIX & drummania 4thMIX onwards.
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 164 296 567 270 361 361 287 331 - 270 361 361
GF/DM V5→V8 13 20 41 21 37 59 26 36 - 22 38 61


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 240 368 484 577 162 236 361 361 160 238 321 321
GITADORA FUZZ-UP 2.10 4.20 5.30 6.50 2.80 4.20 6.75 7.25 2.60 4.30 6.60 7.40
GITADORA GALAXY WAVE→Present 2.10 4.20 5.30 ↓6.35 ↑2.90 4.20 6.75 7.25 ↑2.80 4.30 6.60 ↓7.25
コナステ GITADORA 2.10 4.20 5.30 6.35 2.90 4.20 6.75 7.25 2.80 4.30 6.60 7.25