Jama wo shinaide

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Song Information

Artist: Symholic feat.狛茉璃奈
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Paspal
Vocals: Rina Komatsu
BPM: 155-188
Length: 2:00
First Music Game Appearance: SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • 邪魔をしないで is part of the Commemorating KAC Holding Confirmation! Original Song Contest 2023 (KAC開催決定記念!オリジナル楽曲コンテスト2023). It was added to SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR on July 25th, 2024.

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)

Game Level
Max Chain (EXCEED GEAR→Present) 725 1242 1544 1937 -
Effected By Ginza Sis「貴方の声が嫌い」 Ginza Sis「綺麗な その瞳が嫌い」 Ginza Sis「貴方の夢が嫌い」 Ginza Sis「穢れた この世界が嫌い」 -
Jacket Artists Minoru Minoru Minoru Minoru -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR→Present 4 12 15 17 -
Highest Excellence Award Λkasha
Excellence Award Burst Λnd reBoost - Don't you dare play GOD - JACK -the KING Ki11ing- - OVEЯ+TUЯE - Xinca
Prize Award =∴NOMADE∵OTION= - Imitated Visions - TOKAKU=ALMiRAJ - 憧憬のファンファーレ - 随神
こどもかくしのアンダーランド - レインボウ・フレーバー - すべてを賭して
Accepted Songs Almandite - ΛNXIENT:LEGΛXIEZ - Cumulonimbus - HEAVEN KNOWS - Hopscotch - King's Gambit
Kool Awesome Croon - Line markeR - Lunatic Mare - MiRÀi - ØverwriteTheCatastrophe - reSTART yOUR STORIES
Superstar! - We Are GamerZ! - You Only Live Twice - ∞vitUniverse - ¡¡Fanta∽cramble!! - アイの雫 - ぼくらのはじまりのおと
ハガネノツルギ - 鳳凰誓歌 - 一水山風 - 邪魔をしないで - 孤独のドロップハンター - 七七七夕 - 永久の粒虹
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