NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle
NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle
Song Information
Artist: DJ Senda & Tiny-K
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Hiroyuki Togo
Vocals: Mitsuo Nakano, Yasuo Watanabe
Recording Director: Sumiko Shindo (KME)
BPM: 124-163
Length: 1:44
Movie: Yashiro
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:
Game Size
ハイハイハイ エブリバーディ ハローハロー! マイクテスト マイクテスト ア ア ア 「I am DJ SENDA」 今 渋谷界隈のクラブで人気No.1DJとはミーのことよ!ヘヘッー うるせー!どけどけどけ どけー およびじゃないんだよな 私こそが今もっともグルーヴィーなDJ「Tiny-K」であ〜る! これはこれは 大先輩! ひとつよろしく(ごますり)お願いしま〜す COOLなPLAYで勝負しようじゃないか よーし、いくぞー! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) よーし テンポアップだ! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) 聞こえるかい?これがトロンボーンだ! (※ trombone attack) ウーッやったなー よーし 飛び道具だっ! (※ 飛び道具) 夏だ 海だ 沖縄だ 那覇 那覇 NaHa! サンキュー
HI HI HI EVERYBODY HELLO HELLO! MIC TEST MIC TEST I-I-I-"I am DJ SENDA" ima shibuya kaiwai no CLUB de ninki No.1DJ to wa ME no koto yo! hehee urusee! dokedokedoke dokee oyobi janainda yo na watashi koso ga ima motto mo GROOVY na DJ "Tiny.K" de aaru! kore wa kore wa daisenpai! hitotsu yoroshiku (gomasuri) onegai shimaasu COOL na PLAY de shoubu shiyou janai ka yooshi ikuzoo! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) yooshi TEMPO UP da! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) kikoerukai? kore ga TROMBONE da! (※ trombone attack) uu yatta naa yooshi tobidougu da! (※ tobidougu) natsu da umi da okinawa da Naha Naha NaHa! THANK YOU
Hi hi hi Everybody Hello hello Mic test M-Mi-M-M-M-Mic test I-I-I-I am DJ Senda Right now in the clubs of the Shibuya district, the most popular No.1 DJ is me, yours truly! Shaddup! Shoo shoo shoo, scram~ I don't recall you being invited I'm definitely the most extreme groovy DJ right now-- me, Tiny K Ooh, what's this? We have a old fogey with us! Oh, please allow me to humbly kiss up to ya, if I may~ How about we settle this with a cool play face-off? Okay, let's goooo! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) Alright, speeding up now! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) Ya hear that? There's a trombone! (※ trombone attack) Why you... That does it! Alright, firing everything I got! (※ projectiles) Summer! Sea! Okinawa! Naha! Naha! NaHa! Thank you |
Long Version
ハイハイハイ エブリバーディ ハローハロー! マイクテスト マイクテスト ア ア ア 「I am DJ SENDA」 今 渋谷界隈のクラブで人気No.1DJとはミーのことよ!ヘヘッー うるせー!どけどけどけ どけー およびじゃないんだよな 私こそが今もっともグルーヴィーなDJ「Tiny-K」であ〜る! これはこれは 大先輩! ひとつよろしく(ごますり)お願いしま〜す COOLなPLAYで勝負しようじゃないか よーし、いくぞー (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) Wow Ohh- We're the real entertainers! NaNaNaNaNa NaNaNa- NaNaNaNaNa NaHa!NaHa! Wow Ohh- We're the real entertainers! NaNaNaNaNa NaNaNa- NaNaNaNaNa NaHa!NaHa! まだまだいくよ〜ん! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) Wow Ohh- We're the real entertainers! NaNaNaNaNa NaNaNa- NaNaNaNaNa NaHa!NaHa! Wow Ohh- We're the real entertainers! NaNaNaNaNa NaNaNa- NaNaNaNaNa NaHa!NaHa! よーし テンポアップだ! (※ NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle) 聞こえるかい?これがトロンボーンだ! (※ trombone attack) ウーッやったなー よーし 飛び道具だっ! (※ 飛び道具) 夏だ 海だ 沖縄だ 那覇 那覇 NaHa! サンキュー |
Song Connections / Remixes
- A long version of NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle appears in the beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX Original Soundtrack album.
- An extended version of NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle, titled NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle beatmania-DA!! Special Version, appears in beatmania打!! and beatmania打打打!!.
- Both DJ Senda (Mitsuo Nakano, a.k.a. Mitsuo Senda) and Tiny-K (Yasuo Watanabe, a.k.a. Tani Kei, died September 11th, 2010) are Japanese comedians known for their respective humorous gestures (Mitsuo Senda → "NaHaNaHa" ; Tani Kei → "Gattchoon").
- In beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX, NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle's title was NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle.
- In beatmania BEST HITS, its title was NAHANAHA VS. GATTCHOON BATTLE instead.
- NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle is absent from beatstage II 2nd style, the Korean release of beatmania IIDX 2nd style.
- NaHaNaHa vs.Gattchoon Battle has never appeared on a CS beatmania IIDX release, and is also the only song on beatmania IIDX substream that never appeared in DanceDanceRevolution.
- It also never appeared on an arcade 5-key beatmania release, despite debuting on a beatmania console release and appearing in an arcade beatmania IIDX release.
Song Production Information
Togo of "Togo Project"
The reason I've been taking a break from these music columns is because I was knee-deep in the production of GOTTAMIX on PlayStation. Man, it was rough! My lifespan was shortened (no joke).
I'm going to resume talking about various things from here on, mainly about the songs in GOTTAMIX, so stay tuned!
This time I'll start off with 'NaHaNaHa vs. Gattchoon Battle' by the currently popular Mitsuo Senda & Tiny-K.
Early in the planning of GOTTAMIX, I thought about the direction of the music. Since the music this time was for a PlayStation game, we wouldn't have the same popularity as the arcade versions, nor would we have a production budget we could just throw around... The idea for it ultimately came to mind in a fit of misplaced anger (?) while depressingly sipping sake around the house in a semi-neurotic state (no joke). This erratic plan was like a love letter written at night, where you wake up in the morning and go, "Ugh, how shameful!" Little by little though, like a striptease, I carefully showed my design document to the sound department manager, the team leader, and then the vice president, in that order... When I did, the reactions I got were unexpectedly good, and to my surprise it got the go-ahead. I was somewhat startled and nervous when the vice president casually whispered to me, "If you slip and fall, it's none of my business" at the end.
My overall feeling about Bemani music at the time was that the songs were all artists this, artists that, and kind of boring (I'm including myself, too)... Even if I was scoffed at for being far-fetched, it's OK! Everything's all sunshine and rainbows, so let's do this with a straight face! Right? And thus, in collaboration with Konami Music Entertainment, the production process was underway.
Now then, after composing the demo track and coming up with rough outlines for the scenario and art, it was finally time to do voice recording with the almighty duo... The day of, all of Konami's staff members who weren't familiar with show business were tense around these two great entertainers, but we were all moved at Senda's conscious efforts to create a relaxing environment, as well as Tiny-K's sincerity at accommodating any and all requests.
In the end, what sprung forth was a generous amount of adlibbing from the duo, stunning graphics from VJ Yashiro, and a talent for musical arrangement (I'm praising myself) all coming together to create a surging wave of entertainment!!! (Exaggeration)
Right now in Shibuya's clubs, "NaHaNaHa" and "Gattchoon" are flying through the air as super-cool greetings... allegedly.
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
beatmania difficulty rated from 1 to 9.
beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 5 in substream, 1 to 7 in 2nd style. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from KANI KANI CRAB.)
Game | SP Difficulty | DP Difficulty | ||||
Normal | Hard | Another | Normal | Hard | Another | |
Notecounts | 190 | - | - | 223 | - | - |
beatmania APPEND GOTTAMIX | 3 | - | - | 3 | - | - |
beatmania BEST HITS | 3 | - | - | 3 | - | - |
beatmania IIDX
Game | SP Difficulty | DP Difficulty | |||||||
Notecounts | - | - | 190 | - | - | - | 222 | - | - |
beatmania IIDX substream→2nd style | - | - | 3 | - | - | - | 3 | - | - |