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This song also appears in SEGA's rhythm games. For information on this, see the SilentBlue page on this song.

Not to be confused with 追想 -SHINY DAYS-.


Song Information

SHINY DAYS' DanceDanceRevolution / GITADORA jacket.
SHINY DAYS' jubeat jacket.

Artist: 亜咲花
Composition: Sho Aratame
Arrangement: Shinichi Yuuki
Lyrics: Kento Nagatsuka
Vocals: Asaka
Album: SHINY DAYS (2018)
BPM: 110
Length: 1:42 (DanceDanceRevolution, GITADORA), 4:21 (jubeat)
Movie: 竹久正記 (Fanfare Inc.)
First Music Game Appearance: GITADORA NEX+AGE
Other Music Game Appearances:


Only the lines marked with an asterisk are used in the GITADORA / DanceDanceRevolution cut of SHINY DAYS.


* 窓を開けたら Ah Bright light
  優しい 陽ざし いっぱいに浴びて
  素敵な予感は そう Day by day
  Bit by bit 胸に あふれていく

  Right now はじまりの一歩

  SHINY DAYS!! あたらしい風
  はずむようなステップ踏んでGo my way
  Can you feel? 透き通る空
  胸騒ぎが連れていくBrand-new world
  Listen to the melody
  遠く口笛 響かせたら
  飛び出そう 未来ヘ

ほら見上げたら Cloudless sky
So happy 空気いっぱいに吸って
One by oneまっすぐ噛みしめてる

All right どこへでも行ける

SHINY DAYS!! どこまでも前へ
好きな歌口ずさんでFeel so good
Can you see? きらめいた heaven
向かい風が運んでいく Brand new mind
Please save your memories
踏み出そう 未来ヘ

Take it easy 肩のチカラ抜いて
今日も明日もそう It will be fine

Sing a song!! 一緒に歌おう
Can you see? きらめいた Heaven

SHINY DAYS!! あたらしい風
はずむようなステップ踏んで Go my way
Can you feel? 透き通る空
胸騒ぎが連れていく Brand-new world
Listen to the melody
遠く口笛 響かせたら
飛び出そう 未来ヘ

Song Connections / Remixes

  • jubeat (2021) uses the full version of SHINY DAYS, instead of the short version used by the other BEMANI games.


  • SHINY DAYS is Asaka's fourth single.
  • SHINY DAYS was used as the opening theme for the first season of the YuruCamp△ (ゆるキャン△, also known as Laid-Back Camp) anime series.
  • SHINY DAYS' music video was added to GITADORA NEX+AGE on October 23rd, 2019.
  • SHINY DAYS was added to DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS on December 10th, 2020.
    • It is unavailable in the North American version of DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS, due to licensing issues.
  • SHINY DAYS features its music video in the DanceDanceRevolution series, which eliminates any on-screen dancers.
  • SHINY DAYS received an EXTREME chart in jubeat (2021) on June 7th, 2021.
  • SHINY DAYS received CHALLENGE charts in DanceDanceRevolution A3 on August 10th, 2022.
  • SHINY DAYS was removed from GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE on September 29th, 2022.
  • SHINY DAYS was removed from DanceDanceRevolution A3 on November 20th, 2023.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 59 / 2 104 / 7 177 / 4 233 / 9 350 / 26 / 0 103 / 7 186 / 4 233 / 9 352 / 25 / 0
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS 1 4 8 10 - 4 8 10 -
DanceDanceRevolution A3 1 4 8 10 14 4 8 10 14

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 151 354 618 720 141 222 359 374 119 228 359 391
GITADORA NEX+AGE 2.10 3.20 4.70 7.00 2.80 4.00 6.60 7.60 1.90 4.50 7.25 8.35
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE ↓1.75 ↓2.90 ↑5.05 ↓6.95 ↑2.90 ↑4.05 ↑6.70 ↑7.65 ↓1.30 ↓4.20 ↓7.05 ↑8.45


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 329 662 893
jubeat (2021) 3 5 6