Song Information
Artist: Eagle
BPM: 126-251
Genre: Nu-Skool Breakbeats Hardcore
First Appeared On: AC DJ TROOPERS
Length: 2:01
- Sound bite in this song is "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Do it!"
Song Connections/Remixes
- One of 4 songs that are part of the Military Splash #02 Extra Stages, with this song being Battlefield Sky. The video's enemy is "ICAROS", the depiction of Eagle, with 4300 HP.
- This song bears a striking resemblance to LIA's "Light In The Air ~“oh my god!!”FORCE mix~", also produced by kors k
- A sequel to this song, D, appears on AC SIRIUS.
- Like AC DistorteD's Cardinal Gate and AC GOLD's VIP Room Extra Stages, all Military Splash #02 songs have different color skins. This one has a blue and white skin.
- In Greek mythology, Icarus was the son of Daedalus, who, in trying to escape from King Minos, flew too high to the sun, and died when his wings made of wax melted.
- Received a black another single chart in CS DJ TROOPERS.
- The samples at the beginning and before the slowdown are taken from Bemanifest 07.
Song Production Information
The loss of the kraken brought the anger of the king, which in turn led to his imprisonment. Although he made wings with wax and feathers, flying through the sky and succeeding in escaping, Icarus wished to fly higher. For a while, he was able to fly where he wanted. However, the wings, which were made of wax, dissolved with the heat of the sun, and he fell and died.
I produced a song characteristic with the story, with BPM changes, a cyber sound, and a radio voiceover reminiscent of fighter pilots in this song production. Honestly, I feel that this is a very difficult song to pass...
Video Production Information
Because I have trouble drawing mechanical things, I had difficulty starting this project. However, I decided to make an image that was strong, yet delicate. The main body of Icarus, which pulls you in with the tune, was the last thing that I produced.
The feathers scattering, and the way they fell... I was thinking how such a light looking aircraft could fly.