Jam jam reggae

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jam jam reggae

Song Information

Jam Jam Reggae's banner.

Artist: jam master'73
Composition/Arrangement: jam master'73
Lyrics: reo nagumo & butcher
BPM: 90
Length: 1:13 (game), 1:26 (OST)
Movie: MiZKiNG (beatmania, beatmania IIDX (generic video and overlays)), ? (beatmania (2006))
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania
Other Music Game Appearances:


Jam jam reggae from Jamaica
Fi di future in all dve

Bring bring jam baging packing jam
Reggae music guide fi positive vibes
Go around go around jam who want who want jam
Nuff niceness dis wickedest jam

Ca's make mi happy and make mi high
Mi dear taste & and feel all right
Like da natural hard, make a feel irie
One chest a raggamaffin rude boy stayly
Granny make a jam every day & night
She said "Jamaica is da best.Everythings everythings"

U ready now
Follow mi!!

Song Connections / Remixes


Jam Jam Reggae's old banner.
  • The "'73" in the artist name stands for 1973, Reo Nagumo's year of birth.
  • Future pop'n music character UNCLE Jam appears several times in jam jam reggae's original video.
  • In the first beatmania, the lower left corner of one of the backgrounds contains a swear word (the word "fuck") over an image of the 1980s, wavy KONAMI logo.
  • jam jam reggae received HARD charts in beatmania completeMIX, although these charts are duplicates of jam jam reggae's NORMAL charts.
    • jam jam reggae's Single HARD chart holds the record for the lowest notecount for a HARD chart in the beatmania series, with only 62 notes.
  • jam jam reggae received ANOTHER charts in beatmania IIDX substream.
  • In the beatmania and beatmania IIDX series, jam jam reggae's artist is shown as jam master '73.
  • In the DanceDanceRevolution series, jam jam reggae's title is capitalized as Jam Jam Reggae.
    • Curiously, jam jam reggae is still listed in DanceDanceRevolution X2's master song list, where it is named jam jam reggae(DDR club version).
  • jam jam reggae has never appeared on a CS beatmania IIDX release (not counting beatmania (2006), which only has the original beatmania version of the song playable).
    • It received new charts in beatmania (2006).

Song Production Information


This song is based on a song (luv luv reggae) from a prize machine we previously developed, Miracle Spin. When creating the song, an old reggae man began to brainwash me, so I doodled him on the corner of some stationery and MIZKING fleshed him out. The original lyrics were written by me.

beatmania completeMIX English site

Catch the rhythm of the islands with this song.


Throughout the worldwide music scene, reggae, which originated in Jamaica with its unique and overnight rhythms, has sublimated and evolved into various forms, starting in the United Kingdom, and becoming an important music genre in the dance scene.
This song has the most basic Jamaican-styled form among others, and is an easy-to-understand pop song introduction to reggae, a minor genre in Japan.
The main backbeat rhythm needs no further explanation, the bright and husky vocals in the ragamuffin-styled hip hop rap has a completely different nuance in this song, which can be enjoyed freely.
Reggae is a music genre with a tropical cheerfulness.

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania difficulty rated from 1 to 6 through completeMIX and the original beatmania III, and 1 to 9 from beatmania III CORE REMIX onwards and THE FINAL.
beatmania (2006) difficulty from 1 to 10.
beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 5 in 1st and substream, and 1 to 7 in 2nd style.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty from 2ndMIX CLUB VER. through 5thMIX (and the Solo games) rated from 1 to 9. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from KANI KANI CRAB.)


Original Charts

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Normal Hard Another Normal Hard Another
Notecounts 62 62 - 78 78 -
beatmania 2 - - 2 - -
beatmania 2ndMIX ↓1 - - ↓1 - -
beatmania completeMIX 1 1 - 1 1 -
beatmania CORE REMIX 1 1 - 1 1 -
beatmania THE FINAL 1 - - 1 - -
beatmania III→III THE FINAL 1 1 - 1 1 -
beatmania CS 1 - - 1 - -

beatmania (2006) Charts

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Normal Hard Another Normal Hard Another
Notecounts 60 - - 76 - -
beatmania (2006) 1 - - 1 - -

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts - - 62 139 - - 77 141 -
beatmania IIDX - - 1 - - - 1 - -
beatmania IIDX substream→2nd style - - 1 N/A - - 1 N/A -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 47 / 0 76 / 0 105 / 0 180 / 0 - / - / - 114 / 0 157 / 0 198 / 4 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON 1 - ※3 - - - 3 - - -
DanceDanceRevolution 2ndMIX CLUB VERSiON 2 - 2 ↑4 8 - 3 7 - -
DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME→SuperNOVA 1 2 4 8 - 3 7 9 -
DanceDanceRevolution 2ndReMIX APPEND CLUB VERSiON vol.1 - 2 4 8 - 3 7 - -
DanceDanceRevolution CLUB VERSiON (DC) - 2 4 8 - 3 7 - -

※ This Single BASIC chart became the later Single ANOTHER chart (total notes: 105).