
Revision as of 02:05, 1 August 2018 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)


Song Information

File:CaptivAte ~sabaki~.png
CaptivAte~裁き~'s jacket.

Artist: DJ YOSHITAKA feat. A/I
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Other Instruments & Programming: DJ YOSHITAKA
Vocals/Chorus: A/I
BPM: 180
Length: 1:48
First Music Game Appearance: GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2
Other Music Game Appearances:



Because it is you that made such me




Because it is you that made such me
kurayami ni shizumi

minamo ni ukabu obune yo
samayoi hikari no sekai he

sabakareru shiro to ao no kage ni shinkai kara awaremi no jihi wo
iki ga dekinai hodo aishita watashi ni ima sabaki wo

Unwritten lyrics

This part isn't in the official booklet; however, it is written in its background video.

Do you remember two people
that time?

You disturbed


Because it is you that made such me.
It takes off
the deep one for the world
the world of light
now to judge you

Song Connections / Remixes

  • CaptivAte~裁き~ is part of the CaptivAte series.
  • A mash-up of CaptivAte~裁き~ and CONTRACT, titled CaptivAte~裁き~(SUBLIME TECHNO MIX), can be found in beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS.
  • The beatmania IIDX in-game version of CaptivAte~裁き~ sounds different from the GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 SoundTracks version, though the same version used in that album is also used in the beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD Original Soundtracks album.
  • According to DJ YOSHITAKA, CaptivAte~裁き~ is the prequel of CaptivAte ~浄化~, even though beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY was released before GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2.


File:CaptivAte ~sabaki~ banner.png
CaptivAte~裁き~'s banner.
  • CaptivAte~裁き~ is one of two new GuitarFreaks & DrumMania V2 EXTRA STAGE songs, along with Atalante. Earning 95% Perfects on CaptivAte~裁き~ on EXTRA STAGE allows the player to play MODEL DD7 on ENCORE STAGE; earning 98% Perfects on the song on EXTRA STAGE allows the player to play over there as PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE. The stage will be selectable up to the highest difficulty level played on EXTRA STAGE.
  • CaptivAte~裁き~ marks DJ YOSHITAKA's debut in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series.
  • The Japanese part of the title (裁き, sabaki) means "Judgement".
  • A part of CaptivAte~裁き~ is used as unlockable system music in beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD.
  • CaptivAte~裁き~ is the only song in the CaptivAte series that isn't a remix of any system music.
  • CaptivAte~裁き~ is available in GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG as an unlockable song in Jukebox #2 (6/9/2010). As of 8/13/2010, the song has been automatically unlocked into Standard mode.
  • A widescreen version of CaptivAte~裁き~'s video is featured in the GITADORA Original Soundtrack 3rd season DVD.
    • This version of the video was later added to GITADORA OverDrive on a currently unknown date.
  • The beatmania IIDX video of CaptivAte~裁き~ is slightly altered compared to the original video. The scene before the first verse has the artist name and the numbers aligned at the center instead of the left and right, respectively.

Song Production Information

beatmania IIDX


The three CaptivAtes have all now been put into IIDX. Can you see where the snippets of the story line begin to lead to? Someday the unification of the entire piece, "justice", will be done, and you'll know that it will be re-mixed (no rush).

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


Video Production Information

beatmania IIDX


IIDX now is porting songs over from Gitadora now. Congratulations!
F-FLY wasn't told that she would be working with another VJ on the movie.

DJ YOSHITAKA heard this from F-FLY, after HES had edited the movie three times and was working more on the format.
Every day, the VJs argued with each other.
They would make comments such as, "Grr, you finished?! I hope you like it, F-FLY."
"You think this was good work? Well, it wasn't!" (impressions).
Taking advantage of each one's strengths, they finished the last major parts carefully.
Strength and sadness are represented in abstract, such as the feeling to release all emotions.

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Beginner Normal Hyper Another Normal Hyper Another
Notecounts 214 435 663 897 422 822 1110
beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD→18 Resort Anthem 3 5 8 9 5 9 11
beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle→Present 3 ↑6 8 9 5 9 11
beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD CS 3 5 8 9 5 9 11

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 312 582 778 382 382 382 312 312 312 382 382 382
GF/DM V2 25 45 67 40 60 67 36 56 74 44 64 66
GF/DM V3→V4 25 45 67 ↑53 ↑65 ↑72 ↑48 ↑72 ↑88 ↑58 ↑67 ↑80
GF/DM V5→V8 25 45 67 53 65 72 48 72 88 58 67 ↓78
GF/DM V2 CS 25 45 67 40 60 67 36 56 74 44 64 66


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 312 582 778 - 313 381 382 - 248 311 312 -
GF/DM XG→XG3 3.10 4.70 5.70 - 3.35 4.70 6.30 - 2.65 5.80 7.85 -
GITADORA→Tri-Boost ↑3.85 ↑5.30 ↑6.25 - ↑4.10 ↑5.35 ↑6.75 - ↑3.55 ↑6.30 ↑8.15 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓3.60 ↓4.95 ↓6.00 - ↓3.65 ↓5.05 ↓6.30 - ↑3.85 ↑6.45 ↑8.50 -
GITADORA Matixx→Present ↑4.00 ↑5.25 ↑6.20 - ↑3.85 ↑5.70 ↑6.75 - ↑4.65 ↑7.20 ↑8.75 -
DJ YOSHITAKA's CaptivAte series of songs
Main Songs CaptivAte~裁き~ - CaptivAte~浄化~ - CaptivAte~誓い~ - CaptivAte2~覚醒~
Remixes CaptivAte~浄化~ (Wiegenlied Mix) - CaptivAte~裁き~(SUBLIME TECHNO MIX)