Wiki Edit Rules

Revision as of 00:25, 20 August 2020 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)

Wiki edit rules

Over the last couple of years some people who use RemyWiki have asked for a guideline of what can and cannot be done on this wiki. And that's a fair enough question. For years, RemyWiki has been pretty lenient on the rules and the admins seldom, if ever, had to do anything other than a few edit reverts and block spammers. However, in the past four years, there has an increasing amount of edits that have resulted in temporary blocking pages, and in one case, even having to ban a user, which we had not done on the wiki for a non-spammer since 2007.

As such, here are a list of RemyWiki Dos and Do-Nots. This list may change over time as we add more BEMANI series in the future, amongst other things.


  • Do make pages for songs that currently do not have any, such as themany jubeat plus and REFLEC BEAT plus songs not covered on this wiki.
  • Do update pages with newly announced songs/events.
  • Do update any missing information from old arcade BEMANI pages (i.e. hidden song requirements, event dates, unlock event information, codes, etc.).
  • Do add information on song removals from games.
  • Do add lyrics to songs still needing them.
  • Do add composition credits to songs.
  • Do fill in missing notecounts for songs.
  • Do discuss content on the Talk pages.

Do Nots

  • NO EDITING WARS. Edit wars include reverting back a page down by an admin or making "counter" edits to a page unless new information is added (such as notecounts). You will be given a warning the first time you do this, and a temp ban for any future ones. Several repeated offences may result in a permanent banning.
  • Do not make micro edits every couple of minutes to a page. Going back once or twice if you're missing something is fine, but please don't overdo it.
  • Do not add lyrics to songs that entirely use vocal samples, i.e. Brain Power. These will be eliminated immediately.
  • Do not add personal opinions to Trivia on pages. Examples include:
    • "A is widely considered the easiest 12 in IIDX".
    • "*insert SDVX song here* is widely considered a 20 and not a 19".
    • "*song title* might be related to *song title*".
    • speculation about song artists, i.e. "this song is speculated to be kors k", unless there is strong evidence to support a claim via official information. Feel free to talk about artist speculation on the respective song's Talk page.
      • The only exceptions to this rule are songs done by in-house BEMANI artists after the implantation of BEMANI Sound Team, as outside of OSTs, KONAMI seldom if ever acknowledges who composed their songs.
  • Do not add story information on BEMANI game pages unless relevant to the plot of the game. A brief summary is fine, but several paragraphs long about a cutscene in DanceDanceRevolution is not.
  • Do not add datamined content/start new pages/add datamining information to exisiting game and artist pages for a currently active game. Examples include songs not formerly announced, chart data for 12s on the launch of a new beatmania IIDX game, or leaked songlists for upcoming BEMANI titles. You will be temp banned for this going forward. NO EXCEPTIONS. PERIOD.
  • Do not change/move a song's page name unless it got a re-naming from KONAMI themselves. Doing this without discussing on the talk page beforehand will also result in a temp ban.
  • Sharing unnecessary/private information about a composer/artist to their pages. Examples include: their sexual orientation, private websites/social pages, any information that is only on a private twitter account, or unauthorized pictures of them.


Due to express permission from outside artists in the past, the following is flat-out not allowed on this wiki. Period.

  • Asking for links/downloads of songs, games, or anything piracy related.
  • Uploading any pictures of m@sumi.
  • Mentioning M-Project or aran's real-life names anywhere on this wiki.
  • Making a page for HachiojiP.
  • Making pages for any non-BEMANI game title. We only cover BEMANI games on this wiki.
  • Posting song/video information only in Japanese to pages.