Song Information
Artist: 朱雀 (Suzaku)
Composition/Arrangement: Yoshitaka Nishimura
BPM: 180
Length: 1:47
VJ: あけのすずめ
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
Song Connections / Remixes
- CONTRACT is one of the 4 CARDINAL GATE Extra Stage songs in beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD.
- A long version of CONTRACT appears on the CARDINAL GATE conclusion album (on CS DistorteD's Special edition) along with Ganymede, waxing and wanding, 華蝶風雪, and 嘆きの樹. CONTRACT's long version was arranged by Arata Iiyoshi.
- A mash-up of CONTRACT and CaptivAte~裁き~, titled CaptivAte~裁き~(SUBLIME TECHNO MIX), can be found on beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS.
- CONTRACT features a red/orange colored skin.
- 朱雀's identity was confirmed when Yoshitaka Nishimura performed CONTRACT live at Tokyo Game Show 2006.
- Also, the CARDINAL GATE conclusion album credits DJ Yoshitaka as the composer of CONTRACT.
- The video features a VJ GYO-style winged girl character as the embodiment of Suzaku.
- CONTRACT features a loud guitar sound, which has been used on every 朱雀 song so far.
- Suzaku is a Chinese god that is a phoenix.
- Suzaku, Seiryu and Genbu are the only Cardinal Gate aliases that have been used outside the Cardinal Gate songs in DistorteD.
Song Production Information
This expresses the terror born of "motion" and "tension".
Video Production Information
The representation of humans is flat, the representation of nature (flames) is dynamic.
As I fixed my thoughts on the style born of the painters of antiquity, I sought out the sublimity that sometimes dwells in modern things.