Jumping Boogie

Jumping Boogie

Song Information

Jumping Boogie's jacket.

Artist: Kozo Nakamura
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Bass/Other Instruments & Programming: Kozo Nakamura
BPM: 198
Length: 1:47
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes



  • Jumping Boogie is one of the Class C unlocks in jubeat.
  • Jumping Boogie marks Kozo Nakamura's first song composed exclusively for the jubeat series.
  • Jumping Boogie is one of the three songs available by default in the Android release of jubeat plus, along with Special One and 天国と地獄.
  • Jumping Boogie was one of the songs part of jubeat saucer's Song Swap system. For further information on which dates it was removed or revived, please see this page.

Song Production Information

Kozo Nakamura

Rock'n'roll is one of my favorite music genres.
Actually, I've been listening to it since I was a teenager.
Is it unhealthy that I've only listened to such music for about 2 years?
There was a time period like that.
But on the other hand, when I don't listen to it, I didn't listen to it at all.
This time, when I was making a song for jubeat, I was infected with a rock'n'roll disease, so before I knew it, I created "Jumping Boogie".

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BemaniWIKI 2nd and jubeat@Wiki.)

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 328 477 632
jubeat 4 7 9
UBeat 4 7 9
jubeat ripples→Present ↑5 7 ↓8
jubeat plus 5 7 8
jukebeat 5 7 8
jubeat plus (Android) 5 7 8