Quick Master

Quick Master

Song Information

Original Version

Quick Master's pop'n music banner.
Quick Master's DanceDanceRevolution jacket.
Quick Master's ポップンリズミン jacket.

Artist: act deft
Composition/Arrangement: act deft
BPM: 125-158 (DanceDanceRevolution), 147 (pop'n music)
Length: 1:29
pop'n music Genre: J-TEKNO (J-テクノ)
pop'n music Character: SHOLLKEE [1]
pop'n stage Character: SHOLLKEE [pns]
pop'n CG designer: MUKAI
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music
Other Music Game Appearances:

DA!! Special Version

Artist: act deft
Composition/Arrangement: act deft
BPM: 147
Length: 2:35
pop'n music Genre: J-TEKNO
pop'n music Character: SHOLLKEE [1]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music打!!
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • Quick Master marks Youhei Shimizu's debut as a composer in BEMANI.
  • Quick Master marks SHOLLKEE's first appearance as a rival character.
  • Quick Master's BPM has always been displayed as 147 in the pop'n music series, but is actually 145 BPM, which is the listed BPM of quick master (reform version), and ranges at various points from 125-158 BPM.
  • In pop'n music 2 and its CS counterpart, Quick Master's character was MZD [2-4P].
  • In the Asian English release of pop'n music, Quick Master's genre was spelled as J-TECHNO.
    • SHOLLKEE was renamed KEN as well.
  • Quick Master's HYPER chart holds the record for the lowest notecount of any pop'n music HYPER chart, with 175 notes.
  • Quick Master received MANIAC charts in pop'n stage ex.
  • Despite ranking 29th on the poll for songs to be included in the game, Quick Master does not appear in pop'n music Best Hits!.
    • Unlike the other songs on the top 30 that were not included in Best Hits!, Quick Master eventually appeared in pop'n music 12 いろは CS as one of its pop'n Request songs.
  • Graphical data for Quick Master can be found unused in pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS.
  • Quick Master does not appear in the nonstop megamix of the DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA Original Soundtrack album.
  • Quick Master received a brand-new EASY chart in pop'n music Sunny Park, replacing its old 5-Buttons chart.
  • On July 7th, 2014, ポップンリズミン's 腕前CHECKER displayed that Quick Master had an EX chart, even showing a score obtained for it on July 8th, 2014. This was fixed on July 9th, 2014.
  • Quick Master received a new jacket in ポップンリズミン.
  • Quick Master was one of 30 possible picks for songs for REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! Upper's 7th Set (Users' SELECTION) of the BEMANI MUSIC FOCUS unlocking system.
  • Quick Master's HYPER chart was re-rated in pop'n music éclale on March 22nd, 2016.
  • Quick Master is pop'n music programmer Daniel's favorite pop'n music song [1].

Music Comment

pop'n music and pop'n stage

A fast-paced techno beat. It's cool!

pop'n music (English) comment

A fast tempo techno beat. It's cool!

Song Production Information

pop'n music 1&2 Official Website

This song's selling point is that I fully programmed it with the currently out-of-print "MSX turboR (A1-GT)"'s MIDI functions. It's a good thing that it didn't take much production time.
As for the song, it's embedded with phrases that have a great potential to capture the hearts of the Japanese people, and a grandiose arrangement & light rhythms that feature an obvious progression. That was my aim. I'll be happy if many people play this song.

pop'n music original soundtrack

Even though it's techno, it's a genre with many different types, so I had to think about what type of song to make. Afterwards, I was relieved when the genre was decided to be "J-tekno". By the way, "J=Japan" in J-tekno. From my own interpretation, old Japanese hit songs have a certain regularity to how chords are used, and I was also inadvertently moved by those sections (I understood this when I started composing), so this time, I decided to use chords unique to Japan as its "core". And since the word tekno was part of it, I created this song by arranging and programming all the parts so that normal people can feel that its related to techno. And then I completed it after many adjustments. Is it easy to understand and listen to as I expected? This song is unique for having a grandiose arrangement. If you listen to it, perhaps you'll recognize the artist I liked back then. That artist even has a big influence on me today. But that's a secret.

pop'n stage

Uoza no Kaorin senior

This is a famous song from the first pop'n. When I was creating stage, I certainly thought about including this song. Composer S always passionately said, "there's a chord progression that resounds with Japanese people's hearts!".
This time, please enjoy it with your feet.

Character Information

pop'n music

Despite his cool appearance, his personality is quite wild.
On his days off, he looks forward to driving his beloved 4WD car.
His latest best-of album is now on sale!
☆ Birthplace: Japan
☆ Hobbies: Being obsessed with driving and bass fishing.

pop'n stage

Birthplace: Japan
Hobbies: Driving, bass fishing, the internet
Likes: Composing, the internet
Dislikes: Himself when he can't compose well.

A top artist who returned from New York and is creating more great songs. Because of that, he's very obsessed with his songs and doesn't compromise, but when he can't compose well, he cannot forgive himself....

Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2, and 1 to 20 from X onwards.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
pop'n music打!! difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
pop'n stage difficulty rated from 1 to 8, in 0.5 increments, and from 1 to 20 stars in pop'n stage ex.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from OTOGEE. and Pop'n Music Fever.)


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 87 / 0 139 / 22 219 / 10 273 / 11 - / - / - 133 / 21 217 / 8 262 / 1 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA→SuperNOVA2 1 4 6 7 - 4 6 7 -
DanceDanceRevolution X→Present 4 5 8 11 - 5 7 10 -
DanceDanceRevolution / Dancing Stage SuperNOVA CS 1 4 6 7 - 4 6 7 -
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX 4 5 8 11 - 5 7 10 -

pop'n music

Regular Charts

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 103 104 175 - 100 174
pop'n music→2 - 6 - - - -
pop'n music 3 - - H - - -
pop'n music 4 - 6 23 - - -
pop'n music 9 8 6 ↓11 - 10 17
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia ↓4 ↓5 11 - 10 17
pop'n music Sunny Park→ラピストリア 2 ↓10 17 - 10 17
pop'n music éclale→Present ※2 10 ↑23 - 10 17
pop'n music CS - 6 - - - -
pop'n music 2 CS - 6 - - - -
pop'n music GB ※6 - - - - -
pop'n music 3 CS - - 23 - - -
pop'n music 6 CS - 5 8 - - -
pop'n music 12 いろは CS 4 5 11 - 10 17
pop'n music Lively ※2 10 23 - - -

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart:

  • pop'n music Sunny Park's EASY chart: the notecount of this chart is different from the old 5-Buttons chart (total notes: 89).
  • pop'n music GB's 5-Buttons chart: total notes: 96.

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • pop'n music and 2's BEGINNER chart: total notes: 96.

打!! Charts

Notecounts / Words 114 / 12 210 / 12
pop'n music打!! 1 4

pop'n stage

Game 6-Switches 10-Switches
Normal Another Maniac Normal Another Maniac
Notecounts 114 236 255 211 361 228
pop'n stage 2 2 - 2 2 -
pop'n stage ex 2 10 18 2 10 16


Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 89 142 259
ポップンリズミン 2 4 7