One More Lovely

Song Information

Artist: Risk Junk
BPM: 200
Genre: HAPPY
First Appeared On: AC 10th style
Length: 1:55



Song connections/Remixes

  • A longer version of this song appears on dj TAKA's album, milestone


  • The accident that GOLI references was based on his real-life accident that occurred during the production cycle of AC 10th style, which resulted in him being absent from making videos and artwork in 10th style to some degree.

Song Production Information

I can't say that I'm HAPPY every day, but I thought I would at least compose a song on the genre HAPPY. It's a lie that a Junker taking vitamins and cold medicines completed this song. I thought this artist name up as a pseudonym.

However, I bet you were all surprised to find this out.

- Risk Junk aka dj TAKA

Video Information


Momentum is important.

Or so I'm happy that's the case.

That was quite a risk.

I was hit in a terrible accident.

It occured during the production of this song.