Pure Rude

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Pure Rude

Song Information

Artist: kors k
Composition/Arrangement: kors k
Album: Candy Rave Land Vol.1 (2022)
BPM: 175
Length: 2:04
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat Ave.
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • Pure Rude is part of kors k's CANDY RAVE series of songs.


  • Pure Rude was added to jubeat Ave. on March 22nd, 2023.
  • Pure Rude was added to jubeat (2021) on April 5th, 2023.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 258 503 924
jubeat Ave.→Present 3 7 9.4
jubeat (2021) 3 7 9.4
kors k's CANDY RAVE song series
SigSig - smooooch・∀・ - Wuv U - Flip Flap - Bleep Beep Bop - Uh-Oh - Wonderland - Rub-a Dub-a - Pure Rude