
Song Information

@you's pop'n music banner.

Artist: good-cool feat.PON
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Tatsuya Furukawa
Vocals: Konami Amusement (PON)
BPM: 147
Length: 1:56
pop'n music Character: Ash [usa]
pop'n CG design: ちっひ
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



@you までしたなんて 笑って手を叩く
そんな風潮で Burnin & Warning Yeah!!
次はお前だ … なんてうそぶき 今宵も始まりますよッ!
Crazy 踊れ騒げ Party (Get On!!)

@you まにフォーリンラブ 運命感じて
結婚しよーねって Lovely & (Hard) Candy Yeah!!
いつになれば君と会えるの ... って 会えるわけがないでしょッ!
Illusion 拍手喝采 Liar (Get Down!!)

ナンだカンだ言ったって 電子の世界で
生きてるわけじゃないじゃん?! そうじゃん?! Net?!
裸の君を愛してたいんだ さぁ 一緒に行こう

Baby 手と手つないで お茶目なCircus

ギュっと抱きしめちゃって おシャレな Show Time
動き始めた Roller Coaster
僕が守るよだから笑って 明日も 二人で Cheers!!

Song Connections / Remixes



  • @you is one of the NAVI-kun to tabi wo shiyou! (ナビくんと旅をしよう!) unlockable songs of pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢. It can be unlocked from December 20th, 2016 until September 27th, 2017.
    • As of March 8th, 2018, @you is automatically unlocked for everyone to play.
  • @you marks Tatsuya Furukawa's first collaboration with Daichi Watanabe in BEMANI.
  • @you marks the first time Ash has gotten a new sprite since pop'n music 13 カーニバル's NEW PEOPLE, 11 years ago.
  • Smile and Yuli make cameos on Ash's FEVER, WIN, and FEVER WIN animations.
  • @you's EX chart was re-rated in pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 on December 19th, 2017.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


I was very afraid to sing an Ash song.
While I was selecting the petitions of the Onegai koubou event, wac said "PON, why don't you sing Ash's song?" or something like that.
"Ahhhh! Of course, baaaaaby!! Hooo!", I answered.

The next day, "PON, could you sing while hitting the drums on a belly button exposing outfit?"
"Ahhhh! Do not get carried away, CRAZY!! Yeah!" I answered.
The office was silent for a moment.

I was afraid but careful too, so I absolutely did not drink at once.

Ash songs had "sexy male" vocals, so I sang packed with the utmost of sexiness.
Perhaps because it is difficult to hear at the game center, I will whisper to your ear at the soundtrack someday.


Ash, if there is not much trouble.
It is an honor to be able to serve you too.

You arrived to the castle on a thunderstorm night.
It looks like I heard the other footsteps too....
Well then, I am in a good mood.

Oh, your friends are doing fine.

Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and Pop'n Music Fever.)

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 166 371 725 1106 372 -
pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 (original ratings) 8 27 38 45 21 -
pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢→Present 8 27 38 ↓44 21 -
Another Texture - НУМЛ - 哀彩 - 朝までワンモアラブリー(onemore 90's lovery) - 空想モダニズム - 夢を絆ぐ亜麻色 - @you
Arcanos - SailRen - 星屑ブレスレット - リリーゼと炎龍レーヴァテイン
旗(Mystic Mix) - 人妖絵巻其の二「鬼」~夜叉の祭は終夜~ - 防人想歌
モヘア - キルト(Patchworker RMX) - 魂依
Over Da Moon - Spiral Clouds - 天才少女が解けない問題
じもとっこスイーツ♪ - 今夜はパジャマパーティ - ロンロンへ ライライライ! - そこはかとなくロマンセ
Nove Primavere - SPACE CRASH LANDING - 雨と鳥籠 - 未完成ノ蒸氣驅動乙女
Funky sonic World - moon_child - 蟲の棲む処 - 霖が哭く
Chaos:Q - Luna hare et cetera - saQrifice - virtual killer