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This page is for the BEMANI Sound Team "Bumble Bee" song titled FIREBALL. For other songs of the same title, please see Fireball (disambiguation).


Song Information

Fireball's jacket.

Artist: BEMANI Sound Team "Bumble Bee"
Composition/Arrangement: ?
BPM: 180
Length: 1:52
Movie: ?
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat festo
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes

  • The DrumMania version of Fireball sounds slightly different than the original version of the song.


  • Fireball is the DISC TELLER -Buzz- PHASE LINE 1 unlock of jubeat festo's Mission Travel unlocking system. It could be unlocked from September 1st to 28th, 2021.
    • It can be unlocked again from May 18th to 31st, 2022, and from July 13th to 25th, 2022.
    • In jubeat Ave. and beyond the Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
      • It could also be unlocked in STAR RECORD from May 24th to June 13th, 2023, by lighting up 5 stars.
  • Bumble Bee is speculated to be an alias of Sota Fujimori, as it has compositional similarities with his songs.
    • Also, the title obtained by clearing Mother Ship with a FULL COMBO is "今日は何曜日?Bumble Bee".
  • Fireball also appears in jubeat (2021)'s plus mode, as part of festo pack 25.
  • Fireball is one of the unlockable songs of GITADORA FUZZ-UP's Ageteke! FUZZ-UP!! (あげてけ! FUZZ-UP!!) event. It could be unlocked from January 25th to February 26th, 2023.
    • It could also be unlocked from November 29th, 2023 to January 14th, 2024, and from February 14th to March 10th, 2024 as part of the Kyoku tsuku! Challenge (曲つく‼チャレンジ) event.
    • In GITADORA GALAXY WAVE, it can be unlocked in the Daihousou awasero channel! GALAXY MUSIC PARADE! (大放送あわせろチャンネル!GALAXY MUSIC PARADE!) event from October 9th, 2024.
  • Fireball is available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HISTORY PACK vol.28 (コナステ GITADORA HISTORYパック vol.28).
  • In the October 8th, 2024 announcement of the 大放送あわせろチャンネル!GALAXY MUSIC PARADE! event, Fireball's artist was mistakenly credited to Sweet little 30's, the artist of FIREBALL [1]. This was fixed on a later announcement [2].

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 257 568 719 905 222 427 678 790 197 345 654 693
GITADORA FUZZ-UP 2.10 4.60 6.90 8.50 3.65 5.40 7.70 9.20 3.30 4.60 7.90 8.70
GITADORA GALAXY WAVE→Present ↑2.30 4.60 6.90 8.50 3.65 5.40 7.70 9.20 3.30 4.60 7.90 8.70
コナステ GITADORA 2.30 4.60 6.90 8.50 3.65 5.40 7.70 9.20 3.30 4.60 7.90 8.70


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 327 429 859
jubeat festo→Present 4 6 10.2
jubeat (2021) 4 6 10.2