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Song Information

Geocentrism's pop'n music banner.

Artist: 劇団レコード + world sequence
Composition/Arrangement/Programming: Konami Digital Entertainment (Seiya Murai), Konami Amusement (Tomoaki Hirono)
Chorus: ALT
Charango/Mandolin: Konami Amusement (Tomoaki Hirono)
BPM: 150
Length: 1:55
pop'n music Character: Amulet [ec]
pop'n CG designer: mayo
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music éclale
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


None yet.

Song Connections / Remixes



  • Geocentrism was added as a purchasable song for 750 lumina in pop'n music éclale's Star Factory on August 4th, 2016. To purchase it, you need to acquire the Amulet character medal in the pop'n Star Maker (ポップンスターメーカー) event.
  • Geocentrism marks the first collaboration between Tomoaki Hirono and Kiyoshi Murai in BEMANI.
    • It also marks Tomoaki Hirono's first song with vocals from ALT.
  • Geocentrism is the first song where Kiyoshi Murai uses his "world sequence" alias for a song with vocals from ALT.
  • Amulet is the baby brother of fellow pop'n music character Poet.
  • Geocentrism was performed at the BEMANI ROCK FES'16 concert in 2016.
  • Geocentrism is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively Music Pack vol.15 (pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.15).

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and pop'n music FEVER♪+.)

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 143 274 614 857 283 -
pop'n music éclale→解明リドルズ 6 19 33 41 18 -
pop'n music UniLab→Present 6 ↑20 33 41 18 -
pop'n music Lively 6 20 33 41 - -
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