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I noticed the composer for RESISTANCE is credited to MIKOTO. Does anyone know if it's the same MIKOTO that MEG.ME is a part of? Considering it's a Kanako Hoshino song and both her and MEG.ME are affiliated to HIGH KICK ENTERTAINMENT...--M.B. (talk) 04:18, 10 October 2014 (UTC)

  • Pretty sure that yes, same MIKOTO (though MEG.ME stopped working with MIKOTO since 2011). --FinalOffset (talk) 04:29, 10 October 2014 (UTC)
  • Now, check this out. It appears that a girl called Megumi Amano arranged the full version of Tashikanamono. Could it be her? Im currently researching it now since Kanako is afliliated too to HIGH KICK ENTERTAINMENT. --IkutoP (talk) 06:15, 14 November 2015 (UTC)
    • Kanako's songs tend to be arranged by different artists on the albums (Medicine of love for example). It could be her, but MEG.ME didn't start writing music with MIKOTO until she graduated from college in the early 2010's. EIGHT ELEMENTS OF THE STAR came out in 2006, when she was still in college. I don't think it's her. --M.B. (talk) 06:37, 14 November 2015 (UTC)