
You probably stumbled upon this page by accident, but I'm Durghoel. It doesn't stand for or mean anything. It also doesn't have any particular pronunciation, so go nuts, I guess.

I don't play rhythm games as much as I'd like to, due to circumstances out of my control, but I would if I could and I enjoy the music either way. In college at the moment.

I usually don't dislike or like things on extreme levels (i.e. "I hate this song/game/chart, it's awful" or "I love this song/game/chart, it's awesome"), so either I'm indecisive, a contrarian hipster, or I have bad taste and/or low standards. Your choice.

Working on a BMS-in-BEMANI song list out of boredom.

User:Durghoel/List of BMS songs appearing in BEMANI