Song Information
Artist: Remixed by L.E.D.
BPM: 152
First Appeared On: AC EMPRESS
Length: 2:12
Song Connections/Remixes
- The song is a remix of Psyche Planet-V.
- A long version of the song is on Sota Fujimori's album, SYNTHESIZED.
- Shares a similar soundbite with LASER CRUSTER.
- The original Psyche Planet-V utilises the sound of the Roland V-Synth XT synth (hence the use of V in the original title). This remix in contrasts uses the Roland V-Synth GT (which is where the GT in the title originates from.)
Song Production Information
In Pop'n Music 14 FEVER!, Sota Fujimori made a song called Psyche Planet-V. This remix of the song, along with some other remixes of his songs on his album, SYNTHESIZED, were recorded onto the game.
The story of how I was assigned PSYCHE PLANET is interesting. During a video conference that I had with Sota, I mentioned that I was interested in remixing ANDROMEDA, but Sota had assigned that song to himself and that he did not want to remix that song at that time. I then asked about whether I could remix NEO CONTRA, but unfortunately, AKIRA YAMAOKA had already been assigned that song.
So eventually, since there were so few songs left (PLASMA or Psyche Planet-V), I decided to remix PSYCHE PLANET-V.
However, Sota has a lot of synths in his songs, and while that is a taste of music that I can appreciate, I felt that if I followed in that sense, it would make for a long and bad remix, so it was tough in a sense to make a remix.
What I did was make my own interpretation of the synth sounds of Sota's song and remix them, to make the song PSYCHE PLANET-GT. Hopefully, Sota and the fans will appreciate this song.
Video Production Information