Suwa Hideo no gorogoro nengo oboeuta ketteiban
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Song Information
Artist: すわひでお
Composition/Arrangement: sei☆shin
Lyrics/Vocals: Hideo Suwa
Chorus: PON
BPM: 156
Length: 1:57
pop'n music Genre: NENGO ROCK (年号ロック)
pop'n music Character: Mimi&Nyami [18]
pop'n CG design: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝
Other Music Game Appearances:
- ポップンリズミン ポップンせんごくパック1
Game Size
歴史嫌いなあの人に 教えてあげよう語呂合わせ 人にゃ誰でも歴史あり 日本人なら覚えとこう!!行くぞ~!! 鳴くよ(794)うぐいす平安京 なんと(710)美し平城京 やれご(805)苦労さん、最澄さん 迷い晴れろ(806)と空海さん 無事故(645)でOK大化の改新 何を(720)伝える日本書紀 なじみ(743)の墾田わしのもの おなごに(752)そっくり大仏開眼 泣くな(797)よしよし田村麻呂麻呂 白紙(894)に戻そう遣唐使 いい国(1192)作った頼朝さん 以後、予算(1543)かかるバッキュン種子島 いっぱい込み(1853)合ってるな~ 黒船見物、ペリー来航 ヒーローおっさん(1603)家康ババ~ン!! 肌襦袢、肉襦袢、麻布十番、チョリース、ポリス110番 19050 724106 3750 14106 13280840 4649 34070 0213 724106 083 14106 33460 14106 00290 1090 17590 33390 34390 161690 いないないば~(1998)からあっという間に18作目のポップン上等(2010) 573!
rekishikirai na ano hito ni oshiete ageyou goroawase hito nyadare demo rekishi ari nipponjin nara oboe tokou!! iku zo!! naku yo uguisu heiankyou nanto utsukushi heijoukyou yare go kurou san, saichou san mayoi harero to kuukai san mujiko de OK taika no kaishin nani wo tsutaeru nihonshoki najimi no konden washi no mono onago ni sokkuri daibutsu kaigan naku na yoshi yoshi tamura maro maro hakushi ni modosou kentoushi ii kuni tsukutta yoritomo san igo, yosan kakaru bakkyun tanegashima ippai komi atteru na kurofune kenbutsu, PERRY raikou HERO ossan ieyasu baban!! hadajiban, nikujiban, mafujuuban, choriisu, POLICE hyakujuu ban ikuze go! nanishiteru, minna go! aishiteru, aisatsu wa ohayou! yoroshiku! sayonara! ojiisan! nanishiteru, obaasan! aishiteru, misoshiru wo aishiteru ore ni kure, ai wo kure, inago kure, sasami kure, sashimi kure, iroiro kure inainaiba kara attoiumani juu hachi saku me no pop'n joutou KONAMI!
Long Version
Show |
Song Connections / Remixes
- A long version of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版, titled すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄完璧版, can be found on the pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 AC ♡ CS ポップンミュージック & portable & うたっち original soundtrack.
- すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 is the final song of the Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku (めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録) event. It could be unlocked in pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 from June 2nd to July 15th, 2010, after obtaining all of the charts of 序.
- すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 marks Seishin Kajibayashi's debut in BEMANI.
- It is also his first song with Hideo Suwa in BEMANI.
- Most of the lyrics of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 are comprised of goroawase, Japanese wordplay with numbers.
- たぬちよ and ぺるりさん cameo in すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版's movie.
- A scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami can be found in the pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 data. The portrait is replaced by a silhouette with the words "Coming Soon!!", and the placeholder character DUMMY☆ is used for its animations.
- This might point that at certain point of development, すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 was supposed to have a normal character instead of a "movie" character (note that the character in the data is named "nengo", not referencing Mimi or Nyami).
- Mimi&Nyami have character icons for their 1P and 2P palettes, though both are circles with the 仮 (kari, "temporary") kanji on them.
- All data of the scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami was removed in pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET.
- すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.2.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Character Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
pop'n music
Game | Normal Mode | Battle Mode | ||||
5-Buttons | NORMAL | HYPER | EX | NORMAL | HYPER | |
Notecounts | 256 | 427 | 891 | 1188 | 252 | 429 |
pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝→20 fantasia | 13 | 21 | 32 | 39 | 14 | 21 |
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present | - | 27 | 38 | 45 | 14 | 21 |
pop'n music Lively | - | 27 | 38 | 45 | - | - |
Game | Difficulties | ||
Normal | Hyper | EX | |
Notecounts | 157 | 249 | 459 |
ポップンリズミン | 3 | 5 | 9 |
Expandめざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録 |