Wakusei lollipop

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Song Information

惑星☆ロリポップ's jacket.

Artist: SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi
Composition/Lyrics/Vocals: Nana Takahashi
Arrangement: MasKaleido
BPM: 180
Length: 1:46
Movie: 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko
Jacket design: 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko
First Music Game Appearance: BeatStream
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


イチゴとチョコ味 どっちが好き?
ミラクル世界が広がる ふしぎなキャンディ < にゃっ! >

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >

キュートな見た目が きゅんきゅんくすぐるの < んふふふふ >
レインボー鮮やかで ハートをわし掴みする < ギュッ >
アイシング包まれた スイーティバニラ味 < ふぁお♪ >
ぐるぐるネジ巻き模様 マーブルもイイね

誰かがお土産にくれた 甘く素敵なお菓子
< Wonder Magic >

Happin' Happy 虹色 食べたらトリップ
だめだめ ついつい取り合い バトルしちゃうよ ほら
Shinin' Dreamin' 夢色 キミの未来
みんなで仲良く分けよう ふしぎなキャンディ < にゃっ! >

ココロ キラキラ Pati☆Pati はじけ出す
Everyday カラフル Waku☆Waku 止まらない

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >


ichigo to CHOCOLATE aji docchi ga suki?
MIRACLE sekai ga hirogaru fushigi na CANDY < nya! >

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >

CUTE na mitame ga kyunkyun kusuguru no < nfufufufu >
RAINBOW azayaka de HEART wo washizukami suru < gyu >
ICING tsutsumareta SWEETY VANILLA aji < fao♪ >
guruguru neji maki moyou MARBLE mo ii ne

darekaga omiyage ni kureta amaku suteki na okashi
donna negai demo kanae rarerutte honto??
< Wonder Magic >

Happin' Happy nijiiro tabetara TRIP
dame dame tsuitsui toriai BATTLE shichau yo hora
Shinin' Dreamin' yumeiro kimi no mirai
minna de nakayoku wakeyou fushigi na CANDY < nya! >
wakusei LOLLIPOP

kokoro kirakira Pati☆Pati hajikedasu
Everyday COLORFUL Waku☆Waku tomaranai

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >


Do you like strawberry or chocolate flavors?
Wonderful candy that opens a miracle world < Meow! >

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >

Its cute appearance will tickle your heart < Ehehehe >
Captivating hearts with a bright rainbow < Mmm >
A sweetly vanilla flavored icing < Wow♪ >
Warping around, in a corkscrew pattern - like a marble, it looks good!

Someone gave it to me as a present, it's sweet and wonderful
Is it true that it can make any wish come true??
< Wonder Magic >

A rainbow-colored happin' happy trip after eating
No-no-no, we're going to have a battle over it
Shinin' dreamin' dream colors, your future
Let's all get along, and share this wonderful candy! < Meow! >

Sparkling, spark ☆ popping, it's bursting out
Everyday, colorful ☆ exciting, it won't stop

< Rollin'☆Rollin' Happin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >

Long Version


イチゴとチョコ味 どっちが好き?
ミラクル世界が広がる ふしぎなキャンディ < にゃっ! >

※1< Rollin'☆Rollin' Hoppin' my heart >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Dreamin' world >
< Rollin'☆Rollin' Jumpin' my heart >

キュートな見た目が きゅんきゅんくすぐるの < んふふふふ >
レインボー鮮やかで ハートをわし掴みする < ギュッ >
アイシング包まれた スイーティバニラ味 < ふぁお♪ >
ぐるぐるネジ巻き模様 マープルもイイね

誰かがお土産にくれた 甘く素敵なお菓子
< Wonder Magic >

※2Hoppin' Happy 虹色 食べたらトリップ
だめだめ ついつい取り合い バトルしちゃうよ ほら
Shinin' Dreamin' 夢色 キミの未来
みんなで仲良く分けよう ふしぎなキャンディ < にゃっ! >

ココロ キラキラ Pati☆Pati はじけ出す
Everyday カラフル Waku☆Waku 止まらない

※1 repeat

ストップ!平等に じゃんけんで決めましょ <えへへへへ>
ラッキー1番よっ まずはどれにしようかな <はぁ〜♡>
ジューシー爽やかな フルーティパイン味 <ふぉお♪>
つぶつぶ水玉模様 こっちもおすすめ

知らない星で流行っている 甘い魅惑のお菓子
< Wonder Candy >

Hoppin' Happy 虹色 溢れるパワー
イケない 思わずいっぱい ほお張っちゃうよ ねえ
Shinin' Dreamin' 夢色 キミの未来
ミラクル世界が広がる ふしぎなキャンディ < にゃっ! >

出来たらじぶんで作りたい 甘く可憐なお菓子
< Wonder Burning >

※2 repeat
※1 repeat

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of 惑星☆ロリポップ, titled 惑星☆ロリポップ (extend ver.), appears on SOUND HOLIC's 焔 -MAGMA- album.


  • 惑星☆ロリポップ was added to BeatStream on March 19th, 2015.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ is Nana Takahashi's and SOUND HOLIC's first KONAMI original song in BeatStream.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ received a NIGHTMARE chart in BeatStream on March 26th, 2015, unlockable via BEAST HACKER.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ can be unlocked in jubeat prop from August 14th, 2015 as part of the BEMANI SUMMER DIARY 2015 event.
    • In jubeat Qubell, it was one of the Garnet unlocks of the dig dig Qubell unlocking system.
    • From February 23rd, 2017 in jubeat Qubell to jubeat festo, it was available by default for e-AMUSEMENT PASS users.
    • In jubeat Ave., it is one of the CONCIERGE unlocks of the LIGHT CHAT unlocking system from August 17th, 2022.
    • From jubeat beyond the Ave. onwards, it is available by default with an e-amusement pass.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ and 爆なな☆てすとロイヤー were the last BeatStream songs to have their music videos uploaded to the konami573 YouTube channel, which they were on August 31st, 2017. (Though 爆なな☆てすとロイヤー's video had also been on the official IOSYS YouTube channel for over two years prior.)
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ could be unlocked in SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN from April 13th to May 13th, 2018 as part of the Maybe~nyuugaku!? BeatStream gakkyoku VOLTE ni chakkou daisakusen!! (メイビ~入学!? BeatStream楽曲ボルテに着港大作戦!!) event. It could be unlocked after obtaining four stamps.
    • It could be unlocked again from September 13th to 30th, 2018.
    • In SOUND VOLTEX VIVID WAVE, it can be purchased with PCB from June 27th, 2019.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ is both SOUND HOLIC's and Tsukimido's first video contributions in BEMANI.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on August 1st, 2019.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ could be unlocked in SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's INFINTE course from February 5th to February 28th, 2020 by playing INFINITE at least once during that time frame.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat festo ratings on March 7th, 2022.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ is one of DanceDanceRevolution A3's EXTRA SAVIOR A3 songs. It can be unlocked from September 29th, 2022 for 20th anniversary model cabinets, and from October 3rd, 2022 for regular cabinets.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ uses its BeatStream video in DanceDanceRevolution, which is shown full-screen and eliminates any on-screen dancers.
  • 惑星☆ロリポップ is the LiveAct TOURISM 2 unlock of beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT's WORLD TOURISM event. It can be unlocked from September 21st, 2023.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)

beatmania IIDX

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts - ? ? ? - ? ? ? -
beatmania IIDX 30 RESIDENT→Present - 4 8 11 - 4 7 11 -


Game Level
Light Medium Beast Nightmare
Notecounts 147 375 645 702
BeatStream 2 6 9 10
BeatStream アニムトライヴ 2 ↑7 9 10


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 82 / 4 175 / 33 356 / 40 515 / 46 - / - / - 176 / 33 350 / 41 489 / 49 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution A3→Present 2 5 11 15 - 5 11 15 -


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 402 578 797
jubeat prop→Qubell 5 8 10
jubeat clan 5 ↓7 10
jubeat festo→Present 5 7 ↓9.9
jubeat plus 5 8 10
jubeat plus (Android) 5 8 10
jubeat (2021) 5 7 9.9


Game Level
Max Chain 731 665 905 1297 -
Effected By 電撃ロブスター 電撃ロブスター 電撃ロブスター 電撃ロブスター -
Jacket Artists 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko 月見堂 & S子 x yama_ko -
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present 5 11 13 16 -
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ 5 11 13 16 -
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ 5 11 13 16 -

External Link

Prologue Song In The Breeze
Daily Songs Sounds Of Summer - Sakura Mirage - ΔMAX - 虹色遊園地 - Scars of FAUNA - TWINKLING - Peragro - double thrash - Chronos
天空の華 - ヤサイマシ☆ニンニクアブラオオメ - リカーシブ・ファンクション - ドッキン☆サマーあばんちゅーる - TOXIC VIBRATION
wound - 8000000 - 惑星☆ロリポップ - 隅田川夏恋歌 - BELLS - Sakura Sunrise - パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! - citrus
少年は空を辿る - perditus†paradisus
Epilogue Songs 夏色DIARY (BisCoの思い出(>▽<) - DDR mix - GITADORA style - L.E.D.-G STYLE MIX - Summer Dazzlin' Vacation miX -
Yu-yake Style - 懐色DIEARY - 俺のjubeat編)
BPL TOURISM Winner's Proof ft. KANASA from bless4
INFINITAS TOURISM Rejection Girl - GRAVITON - 24h Endurance Race - squall - BLAZING_LAZER - リメンバーリメンバー
未完成ノ蒸氣驅動乙女 - Lycoris - 1116
BPL TOURISM EXTRA 《GRANDMASTER》 - Game Changers - Hat Surprise - TOMAHAWK - One for All - Brave Spirits
pop'n music TOURISM Ergosphere
CastHour OST TOURISM Push on Beats!〜音ゲの国のeX-ストリーマー〜
BPL S2 TOURISM Divine Heaven
BPL S2 TOURISM EXTRA 《ORDERBREAKER》 - Get On Your Feet - OVER VOLTAGE - Hat Surprise (Season 2) - Ōu Legends - Next Level
Red Soul - STAR BEAT
BPL S3 TOURISM FLARE -炎舞- ft.Nana Takahashi
KAC TOURISM Caldwell 99 - mathematical good-bye - Stylus
LiveAct TOURISM Shamshir - 惑星☆ロリポップ - 終焔のClaudia - 灼熱Beach Side Bunny (かめりあ's "Summertime D'n'B" Remix)
BPL S3 TOURISM EXTRA 《PL|RAYER》 - Hard Breaker - 電光 - Hat Surprise (Season 3) - i-ii - Get Wicked - Red Determination - Sirius
ひなビタ♪ TOURISM めうめうぺったんたん!! (ZAQUVA Remix)
東方Project TOURISM 残像ニ繋ガレタ追憶ノHIDEAWAY
BPL S4 TOURISM Seven Times Four - T.R.O.L.L. - The Onlyonez
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