Free Style

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Free Style

Song Information

Artist: Shapes
Composition/Arrangement: Tomoyuki Uchida
Lyrics: Masayuki Okazaki
BPM: 132
Length: 1:40
Movie: shiro (art by GOLI)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 6th style
Other Music Game Appearances: None.




映る 景色よりも もっと
思うまんま 生きるのさ



akuseku hataraitara
ato wa nemuri ni tsukudake
sonna hibi, sugoshite mo
unzari suru hodo taikutsusa

surechigau hito no me ni
utsuru keshiki yori mo motto
omou manma ikiru no sa
kanarazu ii koto aru darou

donna tsuki ga ore wo terashiteru
munasawagi ga tsuzuku no?
yoru wo koete, jikan wo tobikoe,
kono sekai wo, kakenukete ike

Song Connections / Remixes

  • Free Style is a remix of NAME ENTRY, the name entry background music from beatmania IIDX 5th style.
  • A remastered version of Free Style featuring vocals by Tomoyuki Uchida himself, titled Free Style【2020 Re:build】, was uploaded to his YouTube channel, alongside an instrumental version of the song.


  • Free Style marks Masayuki Okazaki's debut in BEMANI. Masayuki is a guitarist, performer, and singer. He was briefly with the popular J-POP group Stardust Revue, a Japanese band who've been performing since 1979. He would later contribute to other BEMANI songs under the Hedel Bendel alias.
  • Free Style is Tomoyuki Uchida's first BEMANI song with vocals.
    • It is his only vocal song in beatmania IIDX with vocals not provided by his brother, Hiroyuki Uchida.
  • According to Tomoyuki Uchida, dj TAKA requested the artist name as a fictional pop group named Shapes, and to make the song sound like a SMAP song.
  • Free Style was absent from the beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS location tests. However, it reappeared in the final release.
  • Free Style is unlockable in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS from January 9th, 2019, after purchasing its charts with BITs.

Song Production Information


This song was produced as an instrumental that extended the 5th style name entry music.
dj TAKA heard the completed product and repeatedly called out the name of a particular male idol group, saying "we have to include this song!", so Shapes was urgently founded for IIDX, and it became a groovy dance pop song.
I added the melody at the end, so the arrangement is a bit strange, as if the backing track ignored the song, but I hope you enjoy it as well.

Video Production Information


A DANCE POP song with a Japanese male vocals is rare in IIDX, isn't it?
There's an image in my mind that Japanese people will soon be completely tired of the Japanese lyrics (especially after playing IIDX many times in a row...), but I never get tired of listening to this song, which makes me feel like "I'm doing my best" no matter how many times I hear it, I really like it.

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated 1 to 7+ from 6th through 9th style, 1 to 8 in 10th style, 1 to 8+ in IIDX RED, and from 1 to 12 from HAPPY SKY onwards.(Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts 303 473 571 664 - 473 579 - -
beatmania IIDX 6th style→11 IIDX RED - 5 6 N/A - 5 6 - -
beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY→Present - 5 6 7 - ↑6 6 - -
beatmania IIDX 6th style -new songs collection- 3 5 6 6 - 5 6 - -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS - 5 6 7 - 6 6 - -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE - 5 6 7 - - - - -