Totsugeki! Glass no kneeso hime!
Song Information
Artist: 山本椛 (monotone)
Composition/Arrangement: ARM
Lyrics: Yoshimi Youno
Vocals: Momiji Yamamoto
BPM: 185
Length: 1:53
Genre: 電波 (DENPA)
VJ: Steins (overlays by GOLI)
Jacket design: GOLI
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle
Other Music Game Appearances:
Game Size
姫 「わたしよ!わたしこそ、最強究極のプリンセスよ! 王子様を射止めるために、『ガラスの靴』なんてもう古い! 鏡よ鏡よ 鏡さん! 新しいアイテムは何がいいかしら!?」 ニーソ!ガラスの!ニーソックス! ネコミミ!ガラスの!ネコミーミ! メイド!ガラスの!メイド服! (いったいどうしてこうなったー!) 恋の魔法でキラリ 着がえて誘惑する 光る服 透ける服 今夜あなたを落とす 勝負は一度きりの 甘い罠 ずるい罠 鏡1(姫様!もうすぐ!0時の鐘が!鳴りそうです!) 鏡2(姫様!魔法の!アイテム達が!消えそうです!) 姫 「まぁ大変!まぁ大変!早くおうちに帰らなきゃ!」 魔法解けちゃう 鏡1(カウントダウン、いくぞー!) 鏡たち(8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、) 姫 「帰るわ!ちょ、階段ッ、階段長ッ!豪華すぎッ!無理ッ! イタ、足イタッ!ころぶ!無理ッ!脱げる!ニーソ脱げるッ!」 鏡たち(ゼロー!) 姫 「いやぁぁぁぁぁ、らめぇぇぇぇぇ!!」 鏡たち(ワァーーーー!!) 限界 抑えられない 誰より好きよ 好きよあなた あふれだす熱い想いに 運命感じて 興奮 激しく強く 高鳴る胸が 胸が痛い ここから先は魔法じゃない 惚れさせるから絶対 ニーソ!ガラスの!ニーソックス! ネコミミ!ガラスの!ネコミーミ! メイド!ガラスの!メイド服! (いったいどうしてこうなったー!) 姫 「まだまだ!もっとよ! もっと過激なのをちょうだい!」
hime "watashi yo! watashi koso, saikyou kyuukyoku no PRINCESS yo! oujisama wo itomeru tameni, 'GLASS no kutsu' nantemou furui! kagami yo kagami yo kagami san! atarashii ITEM wa nani ga ii kashira!?" KNEESO! GLASS no! KNEE SOCKS! neko mimi! GLASS no! neko miimi! MAID! GLASS no! MAID fuku! (ittai doushite kounattaa!) koi no mahou de kirari ki ga ete yuuwaku suru hikaru fuku sukeru fuku konya anata wo otosu shoubu wa ichido kirino amai wana zurui wana kagami 1 (hime-sama! mousugu! reiji no kane ga! nari sou desu!) kagami 2 (hime-sama! mahou no! ITEM tachi ga! kiesou desu!) hime "maa taihen! maa taihen! hayaku ouchini kaera nakya!" mahou tokechau kagami 1 (COUNTDOWN, ikuzou!) kagami-tachi (hachi, nana, roku, go, yon, san, ni, ichi,) hime "kaeru wa! cho, kaidan, kaidan chou! gouka sugi! muri! ita, ashi ita! korobu! muri! nugeru! KNEESO nugeru!" kagami-tachi (ZEROO!) hime "iyaaaaaa, rameeeeee!!" kagami-tachi (waaaaa!!) genkai osaerarenai dare yori suki yo suki yo anata afuredasu atsui omoi unmei kanjite koufun hageshiku tsuyoku takanaru mune ga mune ga itai koko kara saki wa mahou janai horesaseru kara zettai KNEESO! GLASS no! KNEE SOCKS! neko mimi! GLASS no! neko miimi! MAID! GLASS no! MAID fuku! (ittai doushite kounattaa!) hime "mada mada! motto yo! motto kageki nano wo choudai!"
Princess: "Ohoho! It's me! The strongest princess of them all! If I want to get myself a prince, these 'glass slippers' are already like so old! Mirror, mirror on the wall! I wonder if you could give me something good like a new item!?" Kneesocks! Glass kneesocks! Cat ears! Glass cat ears! Maid! Glass maid uniform! (Why the heck did it become like this-!) The strong point of these sparkling clothes made with love magic is their shining seductiveness, these transparent clothes Tonight I'm going to defeat you just this once, using my sweet trap, my sneaky trap Mirror 1: (Princess! Hurry up! It's almost time for the midnight bell!) Mirror 2: (Princess! Your magic items will disappear!) Princess: "Ahh this is a disaster! a disaster! I gotta hurry up and get home!" The spell is coming undone Mirror 1: (Let's start the countdown!) Mirrors: (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) Princess: "I'm going home! Ugh, the stairs, the stairs are too tall! too extravagant! This is impossible! Ow, my feet hurt! I fell! It's impossible! They're slipping down! My kneesocks are slipping down!" Mirrors: (ZERO!) Princess: "Noooooooooo! stop dis!!" Mirrors: (Wahh----!!) The bounds can't be held down anymore, I love you more than anyone else My passionate feelings have begun to overflow, I've realized my destiny My excitement is intense and strong, my throbbing chest hurts From here on this isn't just magic, I'm definitely falling in love Kneesocks! Glass kneesocks! Cat ears! Glass cat ears! Maid! Glass maid uniform! (Why the heck did it become like this-!) Princess: "Wait, I'm not done! More! Give me something more extreme!" |
Long Version
姫「おーっほっほっ! わたしよ! わたしこそ、最強究極のプリンセスよ! 王子様を射止めるために、『ガラスの靴』なんてもう古い! 鏡よ鏡よ 鏡さん! 新しいアイテムは何がいいかしら!?」 ニーソ! ガラスの! ニーソックス! ネコミミ! ガラスの! ネコミーミ! メイド! ガラスの! メイド服! (いったいどうしてこうなったー!) 恋の魔法でキラリ 着がえて誘惑する 光る服 透ける服 今夜あなたを落とす 勝負は一度きりの 甘い罠 ずるい罠 鏡1(姫様! もうすぐ! 0時の鐘が! 鳴りそうです!) 鏡2(姫様! 魔法の! アイテム達が! 消えそうです!) 姫「まぁ大変! まぁ大変! 早くおうちに帰らなきゃ!」 魔法解けちゃう 鏡1(カウントダウン、いくぞー!) 鏡たち(8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、) 姫「帰るわ!ちょ、階段ッ、階段長ッ!豪華すぎッ!無理ッ! イタ、足イタッ! ころぶ! 無理ッ! 脱げる! ニーソ脱げるッ!」 鏡たち(ゼロー!) 姫「いやぁぁぁぁぁ らめぇぇぇぇぇ!!」 鏡たち(ワァーーーー!!) 限界 抑えられない 誰より好きよ 好きよあなた あふれだす熱い想いに 運命感じて 興奮 激しく強く 高鳴る胸が 胸が痛い ここから先は魔法じゃない 惚れさせるから絶対 ニーソ! ガラスの! ニーソックス! ネコミミ! ガラスの! ネコミーミ! メイド! ガラスの! メイド服! (いったいどうしてこうなったー!) 恋は魔法のクスリ 触れたらヤケドしちゃう 光る海 燃える夏 今日もあなたに会える デートは何度目かな 甘い嘘 したり顔 鏡1(姫様! 顔面! パンダみたいに! なってます!) 鏡2(姫様! ツケマが! 笑える位置に! ずれてます!) 姫「まぁ大変! まぁ大変! 急いで戻って直さなきゃ!」 メイク溶けちゃう 鏡1(カウントダウン、いくぞー!) 鏡たち(8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1、) 姫「ダッシュよ!ちょ、砂浜ッ、砂浜あつッ!熱すぎッ!無理ッ! イタ、足イタッ! ころぶ! 無理ッ! 脱げる! 水着脱げるッ!」 鏡たち(ゼロー!) 姫「いやぁぁぁぁぁ らめぇぇぇぇぇ!!」 鏡たち(ワァーーーー!!) 炎上 昂る気持ち 誰より好きよ 好きよあなた 優しくて熱い魂 直接感じて 緊張 はり裂けそうよ 期待で胸が 胸が痛い 頼れるものは魔法じゃない 惚れさせるから絶対 真実の愛 探してる 白馬の 王子様を 姫「何度アタックしても空回り。 恋はもろくて儚くて、泡のように消えるの…… がむしゃらにやっても上手くいかないのだわ。 果報は寝て待て、待てば海路の日和ありってことよね」 姫「ハッ、ひづめの音が…… ひょっとして、王子様!?」 姫「おーっほっほっ! 勝ったわ! この時をわたしは待っていたのよ! さあ王子様! わたしを抱きしめて、どこまでも連れて行って! 鏡よ鏡よ 鏡さん! 今までお世話になったわ!」 鏡たち(お幸せに~) 完全 もう逃がさない 誰より好きよ 好きよあなた 絡み合う熱い視線に 運命感じて ぶっちゃけ 騙すみたいで かすかに胸が 胸が痛い でも人生は遊びじゃない 惚れさせるから絶対 ニーソ! ガラスの! ニーソックス! ネコミミ! ガラスの! ネコミーミ! メイド! ガラスの! メイド服! (いったいどうしてこうなったー!) 姫「ウェへへ王子様好き…… ハッ、これは夢!? なんてことなのよーッ!! |
Princess: "Ohoho! It's me! The strongest princess of them all! If I want to get myself a prince, these 'glass slippers' are already like so old! Mirror, mirror on the wall! I wonder if you could give me something good like a new item!?" Kneesocks! Glass kneesocks! Cat ears! Glass cat ears! Maid! Glass maid uniform! (Why the heck did it become like this-!) The strong point of these sparkling clothes made with love magic is their shining seductiveness, these transparent clothes Tonight I'm going to defeat you just this once, using my sweet trap, my sneaky trap Mirror 1: (Princess! Hurry up! It's almost time for the midnight bell!) Mirror 2: (Princess! Your magic items will disappear!) Princess: "Ahh this is a disaster! a disaster! I gotta hurry up and get home!" The spell is coming undone Mirror 1: (Let's start the countdown!) Mirrors: (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) Princess: "I'm going home! Ugh, the stairs, the stairs are too tall! too extravagant! This is impossible! Ow, my feet hurt! I fell! It's impossible! They're slipping down! My kneesocks are slipping down!" Mirrors: (ZERO!) Princess: "Noooooooooo! stop dis!!" Mirrors: (Wahh----!!) The bounds can't be held down anymore, I love you more than anyone else My passionate feelings have begun to overflow, I've realized my destiny My excitement is intense and strong, my throbbing chest hurts From here on this isn't just magic, I'm definitely falling in love Kneesocks! Glass kneesocks! Cat ears! Glass cat ears! Maid! Glass maid uniform! (Why the heck did it become like this-!) Love is a magic medicine that burns you, the sea is sparkling in this blazing summer I'm meeting you on a date today for the who knows what'th time, I tell sweet lies with my smug expression Mirror 1: (Princess! Your face! You're going to look like a panda!) Mirror 2: (Princess! Your fake eyelashes! You'll be a laughing stock! they're sliding off!) Princess: "Ahh this is a disaster! a disaster! I gotta touch it up!" My makeup is running Mirror 1: (Let's start the countdown!) Mirrors: (8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) Princess: "I've gotta dash! Ugh, the beach, the hot sandy beach! It's too hot! This is impossible! Ow, my feet hurt! I fell! It's impossible! It's slipping down! My swimsuit is slipping down!" Mirrors: (ZERO!) Princess: "Noooooooooo! stop dis!!" Mirrors: (Wahh----!!) My emotions are blazing, I love you more than anyone else Your passionate yet kind soul, I'm experiencing it right now The tension seems to be bursting, my throbbing chest hurts in anticipation What I need to depend on isn't magic spells, I'm definitely falling in love I'm searching for true love, my prince on a white horse Princess: "How many times have I aimlessly attacked. Love is fragile and fleeting, it vanishes like a bubble... I'm being reckless but it's going nowhere. Good fortune is sleeping wait, wait the weather is clear on the sea route right." Princess: "That horseshoe sound... could it possibly be, the prince!?" Princess: "Ohoho! I've won! This time I've been waiting for you! So, prince! Hug me close, and take me anywhere! Mirror, mirror on the wall! You've assisted me until now!" Mirrors: (Happily ever after~) I won't let go of perfection anymore, I love you more than anyone else Intertwined in your passionate gaze, I've realized my destiny Speaking my mind without holding back seems like a trick, my throbbing chest hurts faintly But life isn't a game, I'm definitely falling in love Kneesocks! Glass kneesocks! Cat ears! Glass cat ears! Maid! Glass maid uniform! (Why the heck did it become like this-!) Princess: "Ueheheh I love you my prince..... Huh, That was a dream!? Why what the-!!" |
Song Connections / Remixes
- A remix of 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! by D.watt, titled 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! D.watt nu-denpa RMX, can be found in SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH.
- A long version of 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫!, titled 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! - long ver. -, appears on ARM's ファンタジックぴこれーしょん! album.
- Another remix of 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! by kors k, titled 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! - kors k remix -, also appears on the same album.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! translates to "Assault! The glass knee-socks princess!"
- When 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! is played on beatmania IIDX, the arcade LED marquee displays "RUSH! PRINCESS GLASS OVER-KNEE!".
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! marks Youhei Kimura's first original composition in BEMANI.
- According to ARM, he had to rewrite 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! several times over before it was completed.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫!'s video contains several references to characters from other BEMANI games:
- The princess' mirror has a similar face to pop'n music character Wilhelm from Übertreffen (who was drawn by GOLI, too). His outfit and mask is also shown while trying on outfits.
- When trying on outfits, one of them is the same outfit of pop'n music character TSURARA from White Eve, another GOLI-drawn character.
- beatmania IIDX mascot TRAN's hair/clothes also appear twice in the song, too. Once more, she appears as a decorative statue on the post at the bottom of the starcase.
- The princess wears several bands with the face of pop'n music mascot Nyami on them.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! was added to BeatStream on January 15th, 2015. Its MEDIUM and BEAST charts could be unlocked via the Mei mail Kotoshi mo yoroshiku in Takahashi-san Lab..
- As of December 3rd, 2015, these charts have been unlocked by default.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! uses a unique version of its video from beatmania IIDX in the BeatStream series, eliminating the generic video used between the overlays, making the song only show the overlays and repeating them to cover the length.
- The DanceDanceRevolution series also uses this version of 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫!'s video, which is full-screen and eliminates any on-screen dancers.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! is one of the unlocks of the Kaitou BisCo no yokokujou!! (怪盗BisCoの予告状!!) event. It could be unlocked in DanceDanceRevolution (2014) from June 17th to December 21st, 2015, as one of the panel unlocks of the DanceDanceRevolution Museum.
- From January 7th, 2016, 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! can be unlocked in DanceDanceRevolution (2014) via EXTRA ATTACK.
- In DanceDanceRevolution A, 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! can be unlocked via EXTRA SAVIOR.
- As of DanceDanceRevolution A20, it is available by default.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫!'s BEGINNER chart is the second BEGINNER chart to have corner jumps, after Over The “Period”.
- It is also the first non-boss song to have a BEGINNER chart with corner jumps.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫!'s Single/Double DIFFICULT and EXPERT charts were slightly modified in DanceDanceRevolution A on August 30th, 2016.
- 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! is unlockable in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS from August 2nd, 2017, after purchasing its NORMAL, HYPER, and ANOTHER charts for 4000, 7500, and 10000 BITs respectively.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
beatmania IIDX
Game | SP Difficulty | DP Difficulty | |||||||
Notecounts / Charge Notes / Backspin Scratches | - | 329 / 0 / 0 | 592 / 0 / 0 | 1066 / 9 / 1 | - | 363 / 0 / 0 | 696 / 0 / 0 | 1144 / 11 / 1 | - |
beatmania IIDX 19 Lincle→Present | - | 4 | 7 | 10 | - | 4 | 8 | 10 | - |
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS | - | 4 | 7 | 10 | - | 4 | 8 | 10 | - |
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 182 | 294 | 511 | - |
BeatStream | 3 | 7 | 10 | - |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 3 | ↑8 | ↓10- | - |
Game | Single | Double | |||||||
Beginner | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | |
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows | 172 / 16 | 238 / 37 | 348 / 32 | 477 / 18 | - / - / - | 234 / 32 | 332 / 32 | 441 / 21 | - / - / - |
DanceDanceRevolution (2014)→Present | 4 | 7 | 11 | 14 | - | 8 | 11 | 14 | - |
怪盗BisCoの予告状!! | |
beatmania IIDX Unlocks | パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! - EBONY & IVORY - それは花火のような恋 |
BeatStream Unlocks | Element of SPADA - ジュピターガンズノベル - Ha・lle・lu・jah - FLOWER - ヤマトなでなで♡かぐや姫 魔法のたまご ~心菜 ELECTRO POP edition~ - さよならトリップ ~夏陽 EDM edition~ - 蛇神 - 海神 怪盗BisCoの予告状!! |
DanceDanceRevolution Unlocks | ビビットストリーム - 爆なな☆てすとロイヤー - 突撃!ガラスのニーソ姫! - ドーパミン |
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania Unlocks | 水面静かに大地の烈日わたらせて -Remaster- - 炎のDiargos - Sand Blow - 狂鬼村正 |
jubeat Unlocks | ビビットストリーム - パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! - EBONY & IVORY - ミライプリズム(collaboration ver.) |
pop'n music Unlocks | EBONY & IVORY - 打打打打打打打打打打 - DIAVOLO - ミライプリズム(collaboration ver.) |
REFLEC BEAT Unlocks | パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! - 爆なな☆てすとロイヤー - 童話回廊 - 音楽 - ミライプリズム(collaboration ver.) |
SOUND VOLTEX Unlocks | EBONY & IVORY - パ→ピ→プ→Yeah! |