ノスタルジア Op.3/Old Hidden Songs
ノスタルジア Op.3/Old Hidden Songs
Old hidden songs from ノスタルジア through Op.2 have been made available to unlock again in ノスタルジア Op.3 from June 11th, 2020. Note that these songs can be unlocked in any order.
The Episode name is the same as the song title to be unlocked for all songs listed here. All charts for the selected song will be unlocked with the amount of Stardust listed.
This list is not complete.
Unlockable Songs
Information obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.
ノスタルジア FORTE&Op.2 Events
To access these songs, press the "ノスタルジアFORTE&Op.2 イベント" button during the Episode selection screen.
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