Song Information

ECO FIGHTER's jacket.

Artist: 入尾信充
Composition/Arrangement/Synthesizers/Guitars & Programming: Mutsuhiko Izumi
Lyrics: Yoshihiko Koezuka
Vocals/Chorus: Nobumitsu Irio
BPM: 140
Length: 1:37
Jacket design: こんちゃん
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat ripples
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


old days 青かった地球 今は水に覆われて 
暗転 求めてた未来は これと違う青い色 
some other day 水の中じゃ 我等は生存できない 
断定 新種の水生生物の侵略と考えた 
戦うんだ 地球を守るために 夢中で... 
one day 完全防備の戦闘服身に纏い 
安全確認完了! いざ向かう 何処へ? 
gang up! 
sense of justice 

stop to think 愛に満ちた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for turning a new leaf 目を覚ませ 
bring to mind エゴに溢れた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for starting a new life 手をつなげ

滅亡へ導いたのは 誰かの侵略ではなくて 
他ならぬ 愚かな知能だったと知る...

Long Version


old days 青かった地球 今は水に覆われて 
暗転 求めてた未来は これと違う青い色 
some other day 水の中じゃ 我等は生存できない 
断定 新種の水生生物の侵略と考えた 
戦うんだ 地球を守るために 夢中で...

one day 完全防備の戦闘服身に纏い 
安全確認完了! いざ向かう 何処へ? 
gang up! 
sense of justice 

run away ところが予想外 これはイケない負けそうだ 
賛成! 電光石火で 逃亡! 背に腹は代えられぬ 
the other way 我らが有する優れた知能を駆使して 
完成 宇宙に新しい魅力的な星を作り出した 
逃げ出すんだ 宇宙へ バラ色の未来へ...

new days 新しい世界は とても狭くて住みにくい 
雲泥の差ってことだろ? 青い地球が恋しい 
gang up! 
sense of justice 

stop to think 愛に満ちた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for turning a new leaf 目を覚ませ 
bring to mind エゴに溢れた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for starting a new life 手をつなげ

滅亡へ導いたのは 誰かの侵略ではなくて 
他ならぬ 愚かな知能だったと知る...

戦うんだ 自分と 未来のことを思って...

stop to think 愛に満ちた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for turning a new leaf 目を覚ませ 
bring to mind エコに紛れた"warm earth"の意味を間違えた 
time for starting a new life 手をつなげ

誰もが地球に 戻りたいと感じ始めている 
夢ならば 目覚めとともに未来に愛を放て

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of ECO FIGHTER appears in the jubeat ripples APPEND SOUNDTRACK album.


  • ECO FIGHTER is obtained in jubeat ripples and its APPEND version upon reaching the rank of Silver Rabbit.
  • ECO FIGHTER marks Nobumitsu Irio's first contribution to the jubeat series.
  • ECO FIGHTER was one of the songs part of jubeat saucer's Song Swap system. For further information on which dates it was removed or revived, please see this page.
  • ECO FIGHTER's jubeat (2021) ratings were adjusted to its jubeat clan ratings on March 7th, 2022.

Song Production Information


Jacket Design Information


It's a near futuristic world that people used to imagine~.
Having said this, I remodeled a classic car and tried to make it feel like it's flying in space!
The lyrics have a comical feeling, but when you listen carefully, they say scary things...;
Let's become ECO conscious in order to not become a water planet!

Chart Production Information

Field West

When I first heard "ECO FIGHTER", I casually asked what's "ECO"?? I remember thinking about it. Does everyone properly know the definition of "ECO"?

The intense rap was impressive, so I affectionately created the notecharts from the rap's speedy feeling and the importance of "ECO".
There are many places where you can continuously touch with both hands alternating, so if you notice them, be careful not to press them simultaneously, and your score will increase.
When you play this song, please think a bit about "ECO".

Let's touch it!! To all jubeat ECO FIGHTERs!!

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and jubeat@Wiki.)

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 182 381 535
jubeat ripples→Qubell 3 5 8
jubeat clan→Present 3 5 ↓7
jubeat plus 3 5 8
jukebeat 3 5 8
jubeat plus (Android) 3 5 8
jubeat (2021) 3 5 7