Yabai onna

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Song Information

ヤバイオンナ's pop'n music banner.

Artist: ラジカル・ツグ&ミッキー・マサシ
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Tsugumi Kataoka
Vocals: Yoichi Hayashi, Tsugumi Kataoka
BPM: 125
Length: 1:42
pop'n music Genre: LATIN ROCK (ラテンロック)
pop'n music Character: Antonio [CS4]
pop'n CG designer: M (animations by O)
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


飽きるまで もてあそんでおいて
こんなラストって ないよ
夢の続きは 誰が見る?

バブル癖 抜け切ってない
とてつもなく ヤバイオンナさ
ビーエムのキー ちらつかせ
甘い 罠を張る

わずかに ひらいた
ちょっと期待して みつめたら
笑って サヨナラ?

二度と 恋なんかしないよ
好きなだけ ふりまわしておいて
こんなラストって ないよ

Long Version


飽きるまで もてあそんでおいて
こんなラストって ないよ
夢の続きは 誰が見る?

バブル癖 抜け切ってない
とてつもなく ヤバイオンナさ
ビーエムのキー ちらつかせ
甘い 罠を張る

わずかに ひらいた
ちょっと期待して みつめたら
笑って サヨナラ?

二度と 恋なんかしないよ
好きなだけ ふりまわしておいて
こんなラストって ないよ

勝ちつづける ズルイオンナさ
なにもかも 気付かぬうちに

あのとき くちづけた うなじにひかる

いきなり 奈落に
落とされて ダメージでかいね
こんな気持ちは 誰のせい

だけど迷路の 出口がみえない
日ごと 夜ごと いまも 消えない

二度と 恋なんかしないよ
好きなだけ ふりまわしておいて
信じたヤツが バカを見る

飽きるまで もてあそんでおいて
こんなラストって ないよ
夢の続きは 誰が見る?

Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • ヤバイオンナ marks the only time in BEMANI that Yoichi Hayashi provides lead vocals to a song composed by Tsugumi Kataoka.
  • ヤバイオンナ received a 5-Button chart in pop'n music Best Hits!.
  • ヤバイオンナ is one of the unlocks in pop'n music 10's Ohoshisama ni onegai! (お星様にお願い!) event. It is the second unlock in the green bucket and can be unlocked from September 24th, 2003 until November 5th, 2003.
    • It received a new banner, background, HYPER chart, and Battle charts in pop'n music 10.
    • As of November 5th, 2003, it is unlocked by default.

Music Comment

A very passionate male vocalist's Latin rock. The intense textures are cool!

Song Production Information

Mickey Masashi / Japanese translation: O

Hello! I'm Mickey Masashi.
I received a phone call from the person in charge saying "please provide a comment", and I said that I didn't want to because I'm bad at this kind of thing.
But, I changed my mind when he said "after all, it's going to be Mickey in the end".
After all, it's going to be me in the end.
I'm bad at kanji, so please forgive me for writing my comment in English.

When I was told about this song, it was a really great song, and I immediately said OK to it.
Honestly speaking, I thought it was perfect for me.
Furthermore, when I heard about the contents of the lyrics, it's said to feel rejected and regrettable, right?
Everyone has thought this at least once, right?
Of course, I also have bad experiences.
That's why during the Recording, I was able to fully emphasize this.

I always think about it. Women are great.
I can't stop drinking, thinking about women, and listening to rock in my life.
Oops, I got off-topic.

I've been acquaintances with Tsugu for a long time, but I passionately like his passionate songs because they have heart in them.
I'm bad at playing video games, and I don't really understand them.
But, it has the best and coolest quality, so by all means, everyone please listen to it.

Character Information

A chivalrous man who was born in Spain. His saber judgement is a superhuman skill, but he fell in love at first sight with Fanita while traveling.

Birthplace: Barcelona
Hobbies: Falling in love
Likes: His goddess Fanita.
Dislikes: Snakes

Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 191 275 557 - 224 275
pop'n music 4 CS - 19 - - - -
pop'n music 6 CS - 9B - - - -
pop'n music Best Hits! 8 ↓13 - - - -
pop'n music 10 CS 9 19 28 - 11 13
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia ↑9 ↑19 28 - 11 13
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 25 34 - 11 13

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • pop'n music 4 CS's BEGINNER chart: Lv.: 14, total notes: 168.
Red bucket GOONIES "R" GOOD ENOUGH - HOLiDAY - Drivin' High - マジンガーZ - Invisible Lover - ヒデオ体操第一
Blue bucket 熟れた花 - きえた!? ナポレオン - すきすきソング - キューティーハニー - Sea Side City - Jack
Green bucket ヤバイオンナ - テキサスのガンマン - dandelion - 魔女っ子メグちゃん - murmur twins(guitar pop ver.) - Votum stellarum
Yellow bucket トロイカダンス - 炎のキン肉マン - GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12 - デビルマンの歌 - No more I love you - Arrabbiata - DDR MEGAMIX
White bucket ペガサス幻想 - ラブ・アコーディオン - Harvest Moon - くちうるさいママ (HYPER/EX) - スウィーツ~instrumental - 幸せを謳う詩