Jubeat-GITADORA-DDR no Triple Journey

Revision as of 08:52, 6 October 2013 by Pointaken47 (talk | contribs) (That never happened)

jubeat・GITADORA・DDRのTriple Journey

jubeat・GITADORA・DDRのTriple Journey (jubeat-GITADORA-DDR no Triple Journey) is a collaboration event between DanceDanceRevolution (2013), GITADORA and jubeat saucer that began on August 1st, 2013.

During August 2013, you received a daily mail from Smith-shi, BABY-LON or OTOBEAR on the Triple Journey official site, with hints for unlocking a song in jubeat saucer, DanceDanceRevolution or GITADORA respectively. Everyday there was a new unlockable song.

This event ended on September 2nd, 2013 at 5 a.m. JST.

UPDATE: Locked jubeat・GITADORA・DDRのTriple Journey can be unlocked on jubeat saucer, GITADORA or DanceDanceRevolution from October 1st, 2013 via bistro saucer for jubeat saucer, LIVE unlocks for GITADORA, or after each play session for DanceDanceRevolution.

Unlocks Schedule

Date Song Title Artist From Unlockable for
01/08 sola 小野秀幸 NEW SONG DDR / jubeat
sola GITADORA ver. 小野秀幸 x 96 GITADORA
02/08 量子の海のリントヴルム (GITADOROCK Ver.) 黒猫ダンジョン feat. 96 jubeat copious GITADORA
03/08 Sweet Rain Y&Co. feat. Karin jubeat knit DDR
04/08 New Decade Sota F. DanceDanceRevolution X2 jubeat
05/08 Magnetic Sota Fujimori jubeat saucer DDR
07/08 キケンな果実 達見 恵 featured by 佐野宏晃 GITADORA DDR / jubeat
08/08 Cassis 肥塚良彦 jubeat saucer GITADORA
09/08 フー・フローツ Nanako jubeat saucer DDR
10/08 万華鏡 Jimmy Weckl GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX jubeat
11/08 Beautiful Dream REDALiCE feat. anporin DanceDanceRevolution (2013) GITADORA
12/08 Straight Oath 矢鴇つかさ feat. 三澤秋 DanceDanceRevolution (2013) jubeat
13/08 からふるぱすてる ki☆ki GuitarFreaks V5 & DrumMania V5 DDR
14/08 heron S-C-U DanceDanceRevolution (2013) jubeat
heron -GITADOROCK ver.- S-C-U with OJ GITADORA
15/08 The Wind of Gold kors k jubeat copious APPEND DDR
16/08 Fly with me TAG GITADORA jubeat
17/08 此岸の戯事 Akhuta jubeat saucer GITADORA
18/08 RЁVOLUTIΦN TЁЯRA GuitarFreaks V4 & DrumMania V4 DDR
19/08 New Gravity Starving Trancer DanceDanceRevolution (2013) jubeat
20/08 Spanish Snowy Dance (daybreak ver.) Mutsuhiko Izumi DanceDanceRevolution (2013) GITADORA
21/08 Right on time (Ryu☆Remix) Ryu☆ GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 DDR / jubeat
22/08 Shining Wizard 96 jubeat knit GITADORA
23/08 PRANA TAG jubeat saucer DDR
24/08 Go For The Top U1 overground DanceDanceRevolution X3 VS 2ndMIX jubeat
25/08 Sakura Sunrise (GITADORA ver.) Ryu☆ DanceDanceRevolution X2 GITADORA
26/08 Chinese Snowy Dance Mutsuhiko Izumi GuitarFreaksXG2 & DrumManiaXG2 DDR
27/08 夏・KOI・ムッシュ!! ビーチサンダルズ GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3 jubeat
28/08 †渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† 夏色ビキニPrim jubeat saucer DDR
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† (GITADORA ver.) GITADORA
29/08 Dragon Blade Kozo Nakamura GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX jubeat
30/08 nightbird lost wing (GITADORA ver.) 猫叉Master+ DanceDanceRevolution (2013) GITADORA
31/08 Triple Journey -OJ EDITION- Triumvirate NEW SONG GITADORA
Triple Journey -S-C-U EDITION- jubeat
Triple Journey -TAG EDITION- DDR

Unlocking Methods

Coming soon


  • jubeat・GITADORA・DDRのTriple Journey is the only BEMANI crossover event that involved jubeat saucer where True Blue did not make an appearance.
  • Songs that appeared in two of the three games happened on Wednesdays.

External Links

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