pop'n music Lively/Beta song list

Revision as of 18:17, 16 November 2020 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

This page details the songs available during the open beta test of pop'n music Lively. Only the characters of these songs (and their alternate pallettes) were available for the player to choose, alongside the Lively designs of Mimi and Nyami.

From the October 19th, 2020 update, the player name could be set, and scores and medals would be saved.

Song Title Artist BPM Character Normal Mode
Easy Normal Hyper EX
Default songs
背水之陣 すわひでお 164 YOSHIO [17] - 30 43 47
黒髪乱れし修羅となりて 村正クオリア 150 SUZUHIME 13 25 42 46
恋愛観測 NU-KO 188 kaorin 8 25 35 44
Perverse Heart ~あまのじゃく~ EGOISTIC LEMONTEA 143 SUMIRE [LT] 6 22 32 40
おめでとう!おたんじょうび ウッチーズ 160 Mimi / Nyami [16-1P] 7 23 38 43
Added on October 19th, 2020
大見解 Des-ROW 143-172 [6] 11 32 40 45
High School Love DJ YOSHITAKA feat.DWP 180 SYO [14] 12 24 33 41