This page is for the SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi song titled Ha・lle・lu・jah. For the 빅뱅 song of a similar title, please see Hallelujah.
Song Information
Artist: SOUND HOLIC feat. Nana Takahashi
Composition: 709sec.
Arrangement: zikee
Lyrics: Nana Takahashi
Vocals: Nana Takahashi, 709sec.
BPM: 150
Length: 1:46
Movie: Hanamori Hiro
First Music Game Appearance: SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH
Other Music Game Appearances:
- beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020)
- BeatStream
- DanceDanceRevolution A
- DanceEvolution ARCADE
- jubeat (2021)
- jubeat saucer fulfill
- REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-
- ノスタルジア FORTE
Game Size
未来に輝ける君よ 世界を照らしゆく華になれ とめどなく 流れてく 憂いの河は何処へ行く 願っては 叫んでは 大空を見上げた 目の前の distress 投げやりな快楽 ごまかすな in your life always onward ! 明けない夜は無い 苦しみは刹那 so 信じて always onward ! 奇跡は信じる心に芽生える 季節めぐり 新しい春が夜明けを待ちわびて Ha・lle・lu・jah 永遠に 想い 馳せて 闇夜に燃える情熱を Ha・lle・lu・jah 君よ 風と 共に 白馬の如く翔けてゆけ 未来に輝ける君よ... Ha・lle・lu・jah 永遠に 想いを 馳せて 世界を照らしゆく華に... Ha・lle・lu・jah 君よ 風と 共に Ha・lle・lu・jah 永遠に 誓い 込めて 理想を掴む情熱を Ha・lle・lu・jah 君よ 時空を 超えて 太陽に咲く華になれ
mirai ni kagayakeru kimi yo sekai wo terashi yuku hana ni nare tomedonaku nagareteku urei no kawa wa doko he yuku negatte wa sakende wa oozora wo miageta me no mae no distress nageyari na kairaku gomakasu na in your life always onward ! akenai yoru wa nai kurushimi wa setsuna so shinjite always onward ! kiseki wa shinjiru kokoro ni mebaeru kisetsu meguri atarashii haru ga yoake wo machiwabite Ha・lle・lu・jah towa ni omoi hasete yamiyo ni moeru jounetsu wo Ha・lle・lu・jah kimi yo kaze to tomoni hakuba no gotoku kakete yuke mirai ni kagayakeru kimi yo... Ha・lle・lu・jah towa ni omoi wo hasete sekai wo terashi yuku hana ni... Ha・lle・lu・jah kimi yo kaze to tomoni Ha・lle・lu・jah towa ni chikai komete risou wo tsukamu jounetsu wo Ha・lle・lu・jah kimi yo toki wo koete taiyou ni saku hana ni nare
Song Connections / Remixes
- Two instrumental versions of Ha・lle・lu・jah, one with 709sec.'s rap part and one without, appear in the SOUND VOLTEX FLOOR website as an "audition" song for the Vocal category in the SDVX × DTM MAGAZINE Collaboration Contest (SDVX × DTM MAGAZINE コラボレーションコンテスト) event.
- A long version of Ha・lle・lu・jah, titled Ha・lle・lu・jah (extend ver.), appears in SOUND HOLIC's album 斬 -ZAN-.
- A remix of Ha・lle・lu・jah by Ryu☆, titled Ha・lle・lu・jah (Ryu☆Remix), appears in SOUND HOLIC's 焔 -MAGMA- album.
- The ノスタルジア series uses a slightly rearranged version of Ha・lle・lu・jah.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah marks the debut of SOUND HOLIC, Nana Takahashi, and 709sec. in BEMANI.
- It also marks their first appearances in the REFLEC BEAT and DanceDanceRevolution series.
- It also marks 709sec.'s first appearance in the DanceDanceRevolution and ノスタルジア series.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah received new ADVANCED and EXHAUST jackets on August 3rd, 2012. Both new jackets, designed by かぶと山 (ADVANCED) and azuki VS clbU (EXHAUST), were two of the winners of the Jacket hokan MISSION ichi-FIRST-MISSION (ジャケット補完MISSION 壱-FIRST-MISSION) contest.
- Before this update, Ha・lle・lu・jah's ADVANCED and EXHAUST charts used the same jacket as its NOVICE chart.
- RASIS appears in Ha・lle・lu・jah's jackets.
- Tsumabuki LEFT and Tsumabuki RIGHT also appear in its NOVICE jacket.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah was added to REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring- on June 7th, 2013 as a default song.
- In REFLEC BEAT, Ha・lle・lu・jah uses its SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE, ADVANCED, and EXHAUST jackets for its BASIC, MEDIUM, and HARD jackets, respectively.
- The BeatStream series also uses Ha・lle・lu・jah's NOVICE, ADVANCED, and EXHAUST jackets for LIGHT, MEDIUM, and BEAST, respectively.
- The DANCE aROUND, DanceDanceRevolution, jubeat, and ノスタルジア series use its NOVICE jacket.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah received an INFINITE chart in SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-. It can be purchased from the SDVX Station after clearing, with a AAA rank, ten songs with charts being rated a 12.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah was added to jubeat saucer fulfill on December 4th, 2014 as part of the Smith no omoide ~ The Lost Memories ~ (スミスの想いで ~ The Lost Memories ~) event.
- In jubeat prop, it can be unlocked by playing it as a BONUS TUNE from August 31st, 2015.
- As of jubeat Qubell, it is available by default by playing with an e-amusement pass.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah is one of the unlocks of the Kaitou BisCo no yokokujou!! (怪盗BisCoの予告状!!) event. It could be unlocked in BeatStream from June 17th to December 21st, 2015, after the SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS Museum is completed.
- In BeatStream アニムトライヴ, it could be unlocked from April 7th, 2016 via the BEAST CRISIS 外伝 (gaiden) unlocking system.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah was added to DanceEvolution ARCADE on August 9th, 2016 as an exclusive song to the machines that installed the offline kit.
- It was the final song added to the series, as the game's servers later went offline on August 31st, 2016.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah could be unlocked in ノスタルジア FORTE on August 8th and 15th, 2017 as part of the Version up kinen gakkyoku koukan (バージョンアップ記念 楽曲交換) event, by having played both ノスタルジア FORTE and SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN from July 31st to August 13th, 2017.
- It could be unlocked again by playing both SOUND VOLTEX IV HEAVENLY HAVEN and ノスタルジア FORTE one time from February 1st to 28th, 2018, as part of the Kikan gentei gakkyoku koukan event (期間限定 楽曲交換イベント).
- In ノスタルジア Op.3, it can be unlocked from July 3rd, 2020 from the ノスタルジアFORTE&Op.2 イベント section at the Episode selection screen.
- After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, Ha・lle・lu・jah was revived on May 24th, 2018.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah received a Real chart in ノスタルジア Op.3 on May 5th, 2022.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah was added to DANCE aROUND on August 24th, 2022.
- Its charts use some slowed parts of its choreography from DanceEvolution.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah received a MASTER chart in DANCE aROUND's Gauge Unlock Event (ゲージアンロックイベント) Part 5. It could be unlocked from October 5th to October 23rd, 2022, from May 3rd to 21st, 2023, and from June 14th to July 2nd, 2023.
- From October 4th, 2023, it is available by default.
- Ha・lle・lu・jah is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX's GRAND PRIX mode from November 28th, 2022, by purchasing the GRAND PRIX music pack vol.11 (グランプリ楽曲パック vol.11).
- Ha・lle・lu・jah is available in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) as part of the beatmania IIDX INFINITAS SOUND VOLTEX Selection Music Pack vol.1 (beatmania IIDX INFINITAS SOUND VOLTEX セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1).
- In DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX, Ha・lle・lu・jah received its difficulty change from DanceDanceRevolution WORLD on July 3rd, 2024.
Music Comment
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Jacket Design Information
Thank you very much!
Since "Ha・lle・lu・jah" is one of the songs I really like among all the songs in music games, I'm very happy that my illustration was chosen as one of its jackets!
From the word "hallelujah", I tried to make RASIS feel sacred by sprouting wings.
I'd be happy if you could call her by the HALLELUJAH RASIS alias////
Nice to meet you, my name is azuki, who's always drawing abstract pictures.
This time, I'm happy that my collaboration with clbU was chosen. This jacket's highlight is clbU's adorable and fantastic illustration.
I'd like to take advantage of this selection to coolly turn the knobs.
Nice to meet you, I'm usually someone who casually draws pictures of girls somewhere.
I'm very honored to be chosen for our collaboration. I'd like to take advantage of this selection to steadily gather a few more BLOCKs.
This jacket's appeal point is azuki's flowing CG sense.
Choreography Information
Natsumi Adachi
Be a star with a strong, yet floating rhythm and groove!
Difficulty & Notecounts
beatmania IIDX difficulty rated from 1 to 12.
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
DANCE aROUND difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
DanceEvolution difficulty rated from 1 to 5.
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.
SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH to III GRAVITY WARS difficulty rated from 1 to 16, and 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards.
ノスタルジア difficulty rated from 1 to 12 for Normal to Expert charts. Real charts rated from 1 to 3 diamonds (◆). (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki.)
beatmania IIDX
Game | SP Difficulty | DP Difficulty | |||||||
Notecounts | - | 388 | 690 | 911 | - | 394 | 672 | 873 | - |
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) | - | 4 | 7 | 9 | - | 4 | 7 | 9 | - |
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 156 | 295 | 480 | - |
BeatStream | 3 | 6 | 9 | - |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 3 | ↑7 | ↑9+ | - |
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Master | |
Notecounts | 100 | 124 | 151 |
DANCE aROUND | 3 | 7 | 9 |
Game | Single | Double | |||||||
Beginner | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | Basic | Difficult | Expert | Challenge | |
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows | 69 / 0 | 167 / 3 | 261 / 5 | 349 / 5 | - / - / - | 147 / 8 | 250 / 8 | 343 / 7 | - / - / - |
DanceDanceRevolution A→A3 | 1 | 5 | 9 | 12 | - | 4 | 9 | 12 | - |
DanceDanceRevolution WORLD→Present | ↑2 | 5 | 9 | 12 | - | 4 | 9 | 12 | - |
DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX | 2 | 5 | 9 | 12 | - | 4 | 9 | 12 | - |
Game | Level | |||
Light | Standard | Extreme | Master | |
Dancer | あかり | |||
Choreographer | 足立夏海 | |||
Notecounts | 52 | 67 | 117 | 203 |
DanceEvolution ARCADE | 4 |
Game | Level | ||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | |
Notecounts | 216 | 402 | 711 |
jubeat saucer fulfill→Qubell | 3 | 7 | 9 |
jubeat clan | 3 | ↓6 | 9 |
jubeat festo→Present | 3 | 6 | 9.2 |
jubeat (2021) | 3 | 6 | 9.2 |
Old Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | Special | |
Notecounts | 83 | 165 | 378 | - |
REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-→VOLZZA 2 | 3 | 6 | 9 | - |
New Charts
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | White Hard | |
Notecounts | 170 | 349 | 484 | - |
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア | 5 | 8 | 11 | - |
Game | Level | ||||
Max Chain (BOOTH→Present) | 521 | 699 | 981 | - | 1144 |
Effected By | karasu | karasu | karasu | - | 逆球レジェンド |
Jacket Artists | 蒼弐 | かぶと山 | azuki VS clbU | - | azuki VS clbU |
SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX II→III | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | 14 |
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | ↑15 |
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | 15 |
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | 15 |
SOUND VOLTEX ULTIMATE MOBILE | 4 | 7 | 13 | - | 15 |
Game | Level | |||
Normal | Hard | Expert | Real | |
Notecounts | 175 | 505 | 826 | 1058 |
ノスタルジア FORTE→Op.2 | 3 | 6 | 10 | - |
ノスタルジア Op.3→Present | 3 | 6 | 10 | ◆2 |
コナステ ノスタルジア | 3 | 6 | 10 | - |
Expand怪盗BisCoの予告状!! |
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- DanceDanceRevolution Songs
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- Jubeat Songs Never Removed
- Jubeat (2021) Songs
- Songs in 5 or more BEMANI games